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I would be so fired if I were a school bus driver. As I was driving to work this morning, I saw a school bus waiting patiently to turn left on a busy street. Part of me was a little concerned that the driver would forget how huge the bus was and try to turn in front of the passing traffic to continue their route. But it didn't happen as I passed by, so I figured that the driver did care about the safety of today's youth. But as I continued on my own journey to work, I started thinking about all the wrong things to do to make that turn quickly. My thought was, if the driver just turns on the stop sign, then all the traffic would stop on all sides, and the turn could be made easily. See, I would so be fired for pulling stunts like that in order to save a few minutes. After all, it would be like that story of the boy who cried wolf. If school bus drivers actually switched on the stop sign when they didn't need to, then drivers would stop paying attention to it...well, at the risk of getting mucho points on their license.

- 9/28/2006

Man, do I have a rant for you. This occurred yesterday while I was at the grocery store. An interesting tidbit to know about me is that while I love cooking, I hate grocery shopping. You would think they would go hand-in-hand, but not for me. Anyway, I stopped by the store on the way home from work to get stuff I would need for dinner. I have 2 rants about the grocery store.

  1. Why do they even bother having an express lane? It seems like everytime I go into that store, there are only 2 lines open, and one of them is always the express lane. I don't understand this. The express lane is supposed to be for people just grabbing a few items. If you're only going to open 2 registers, why not open one that isn't an express? Because you're not going to treat it like an express if there is only one other one open. Otherwise, open 3 and leave the express for the people in a hurry.

  2. Why do grocery stores have to make things to confusing, particularly in the produce department? Yesterday, I need to get broccoli florets for my recipe. They had a bin with broccoli florets and a bin with broccoli bunches. The florets were cheaper than the bunches, and I only wanted to get as much as I needed. Well, when I was standing in line waiting for the woman with 60+ items to leave the express lane, I had the thought that the guy at the register was going to charge me for 2 broccoli bunches instead of a pound of florets. Yep, I was right. When I clued him in on his mistake, he looked at me like I had 2 heads. Apparently, broccoli florets was not an option in the computer. Why offer it if the people can't deciper between the florets and the bunches, and if you're not going to even put it in the computer system? I wasn't mad at the cashier because it wasn't his fault, but I was a little ticked that management made such a poor judgement call. I ended up paying more than twice what I should because I didn't feel like arguing the point. Sometimes, my time is more valuable than a couple of bucks.

So, while all this isn't a big deal, and I've pretty much gotten over it, I figured it would at least give me something to rant about.

- 9/27/2006

I seem to be allowing my blogs to slide through my fingers. Part of the reason for this is because I don't have a lot to rant about. I mean, I rant and complain, but it doesn't seem worth writing about here. My biggest rant right now is with my own happiness in my job. It's not that big a deal, but after analyzing how unhappy I am, I've started a vigorous hunt for another job. I'm just hoping that I'll get some interviews. Otherwise, no news is good news, right?

- 9/26/2006

I'm tired. I don't feel good. And I'm not having a good week. I'm glad it's Friday. Maybe I'll be able to relax and recuperate over the weekend. Part of me just wants to be left alone. The only person I want to hang with right now is Cliff (of course). My hermit shell awaits me.

- 9/22/2006

Weekend fun abounds! It's always nice to feel good on a Monday morning. Part of that may be a sense of pride in myself because I got up early and did my workout. Then I did all my chores and left the house as a decent time. The other part of why I feel good is because I had a good weekend. Friday was dinner with friends, very lowkey but nice. Saturday was FAME at Ringside. I hung out with some people from the party group and got a little (or a lotta) tipsy. Sunday evening, I went to someone's house to play cards and just shoot the proverbial...well, you know...for a while. It wasn't the most mind-boggling weekend as far as fun and events, but I had a good time, nonetheless. That's really what counts...making the best of every situation. I really want to work on how to make the best of having bad dreams everynight, because that still bugs me.

- 9/18/2006

It's nice weather outside. I just took a walk and silently pondered some things. I'm in a contented place in my life, and I just needed a moment to remember to not take things so seriously, to use some time to smile, and to just have a happy life. I'm not feeling depressed right now, don't misunderstand. I think I'm just using a little time for self-analysis, to make sure that I'm ok. And I am...I'm very ok.

- 9/15/2006

It's still basically the beginning of September (well, almost half-way through), and I'm already planning for Halloween. I can't believe that a Halloween store is already open and selling. It seems like every year, holiday paraphenalia gets placed in stores earlier and earlier. Well, this year, we're hoping to have a really kick ass party. And even if it's not really kick ass, I still plan on having a good time. After all, playing dress up is fun. I just have to decide what I want to be.

- 9/13/2006

Can you believe that I don't feel like ranting? Actually, I had a really good weekend. I had a great time at a goth night on Friday night, and I met a few new, cool people. I went to a jewelry party with a couple of friends and bought a few pieces on Saturday. Then I took my sweetie out for a delicious meal. And to end the night, we hung out with a few cool people, laughing, chatting, and so forth. Sunday was a lovely, relaxing day...our normal lazy Sunday. But I was a little productive in posting some event pics, doing my nails, and otherwise getting prepped for the work week. I love it when I don't have to rant. It's funny, when you feel there's no hope for something, you get a nice surprise like I got this weekend. Woo hoo!

Of course, I feel obligated to say that since today is the fifth anniversary of the World Trade Center disaster, please take a moment to contact family and let them know how much you care.

- 9/11/2006

More rants about organized groups. It's sad. I should really just get out of them. But I was talking to one of my friends today about how people in organized groups who have leadership and plan events tend to plan an event for their birthday. I don't like this for several reasons (although, I have done it in the past, I've changed my mind since then):

  1. People new to the group or who have not been to an event may not understand the need to go out and celebrate a perfect stranger's birthday
  2. Birthdays are very personal and should really be celebrated by people you care about...not by any Tom, Dick, or Harry off the street
  3. Really, if the only way you can get a group of people out to your birthday is by having a planned group event, then that seems like there are friendship problems in your life

I know that last one sounds harsh, but it's true. I mean, I've done a group event before for my birthday, but inevitably, the people I know and care about are the ones who show. And I don't mind having private functions with people I really enjoy. Besides, it's gotten to the point where all I want to do is private functions anyway, so I guess I'm not the expert on this. I'm just tired of anyone who has a little bit of organizational power in a group thinking that they need to have so many people come out for their birthday. Unless it's a milestone, it really doesn't matter. Although, I guess your birthday is what you make of it...

- 9/7/2006

I have opened my social agenda to anyone (lame or otherwise) to join in on. Being a part of an organized group has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are:

  • Always knowing what you're doing
  • Having motivation to actually get out and do something
  • Having people to do something with

The disadvantages are:

  • If you don't like someone, it's hard to tell them not to come to a public event
  • You never know who it is that you're meeting
  • People feel that you owe them entertainment
  • It takes up a lot of your spare time

I think I'm just tired of organized groups. The only problem is that my friends are part of these organized groups, and while I feel like I would still be able to hang with them outside of the group, being a part of these groups really eats up people's time. I don't expect other people to quit just because I'm at the jumping off level. I guess I'm just hoping that somehow I'll still be able (and motivated) to go out and have fun beyond this group.

- 9/6/2006

It's Tuesday, but it feels like Monday. That's because yesterday was Labor Day. What did I do to celebrate the holiday? Well, Cliff and I took a trip to the mountains to see the views and just to get away from Raleigh for a little while. It was a nice vacation, and I'm glad we took it. We left Saturday morning to start our journey. Once we got to the mountains, we started looking for neat little stores, beautiful views, and other things to snap pictures of. I'll post some pics and descriptions of the trip soon. Basically, we visited Stone Mountain on Saturday, then took the Blue Ridge Parkway over to Blowing Rock, where we stayed at the Green Park Inn (supposedly haunted). We hung out at the hotel because there was a tavern on site. The food was good and the drinks were excellent. On Sunday, we journeyed to Asheville, but this portion of the trip was a bit disappointing. We stopped to see Linville Falls on the way, and we were going to go to the caverns, but the line was long and frustrating. In Asheville, we relaxed, and we wanted to check out some nightlife. A trip to Barley's Taproom & Pizzeria yielded good pizza and brews. On Monday, we really wanted to visit Tupelo Honey Cafe, which was featured on $40 A Day, but alas, it was closed. But it was nice to get away and see the sights of the western part of the state.

- 9/5/2006

Today feels like a bad day. The weather is gross, which is probably what is making me moody. But I'm also agitated because I'm getting tired of how slack people can be. In private life, in professional life, it doesn't matter...people are slack. I probably shouldn't complain, because I've had my slack moments, but I'm just getting tired of it. I have to deal with it ALL THE TIME! I especially get tired of it at work. I get tired of answering the same damn questions I answered before to the same person. But then again, I get tired of it in my private life because it's annoying having to always justify yourself to someone. GRRRRRR!!! Thank goodness it's Friday, and this is a 3-day weekend. Maybe I'll feel better on Monday...

- 9/1/2006

2007 Archives

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7/1/2006 - 7/31/2006

6/1/2006 - 6/30/2006

5/1/2006 - 5/31/2006

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Last modified: Friday, 13-Oct-2006 13:22:47 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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