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Here are 2 interesting observations I've made over the past couple days:

  1. Why is it when a day is really rainy and you watch people walking around/over puddles, they do a creep and tiptoe type walk? Do they honestly think that if they walk carefully enough they maybe able to walk on water? Or is it a test of how deep the puddle is? Are they trying to minimize how much of their foot gets wet? These are things I've often wondered on rainy days. I'm no different. I do the exact same thing. For me, I think it's minimizing how wet my feet get. Nothing is more uncomfortable than having to deal with wet socks all day. That's why flip-flops work for me.

  2. Watching someone change from the irresponsibility of childhood to having to be responsible in adulthood is always interesting. I think I was taught responsibility at a young age. When my little sister came along, I became a built-in babysitter. I don't think that's what made me realize responsibility, but it helped. Then, when I got to college, I had to be responsible for finances, time management, basically everything. College is definitely a way to help you enter adulthood and figure out if you can make it on your own. Unless, of course, everything is handed to you by your parents. And after college, you're expected to be able to get a job and get to it on time, deal with all bills, find housing that's appropriate, etc. I know some people who haven't yet mastered a lot of this. Yet here I am...a young chickadee, and I feel like I have a pretty good head on my shoulders. Not to pat myself on the back...but I'm independent, and I've been told that I'm fairly mature and stable. Tee hee...big grins.

BTW, only 5 days until we leave for Amsterdam, and only 3 of those are working days (if you count today). I'm so excited!!!

- 4/28/2006

I'm really starting to understand why people go in search of freebies. Recently, I've had occasion to acquire free tickets for movie premieres the night before opening. So far, I've seen Slither and Silent Hill for free, and I have a pass to see Kinky Boots on Tuesday. With prices for movies going up every so often, I'm definitely seeing the intrigue of getting free passes whenever you can. Also, being in the local Movie Fans Meetup Group, it seems that I have a pretty good tap into what freebies are coming up. It's amazing how much stuff you can get if you just look for it. Just one rave from one cheapskate to any other penny pinchers reading this.

- 4/21/2006

It's been a while since I've written anything, and I've amassed several rants/raves within the course of my dealings with people. So, I guess I'll start at the top.

  1. How is it anyone's business what I do in my personal life? Example, let's say I like to ride motorcycles (I don't, btw), and I meet someone who decides to lecture me on the safety of riding. How is what I do any of their business? Sure, people can make inferences about what you do based on how you look, the decor of your home, or even what type of vehicle you choose to drive. But if I don't ask for your opinion, why do you think it's your right to judge me based on something you are assuming?

  2. What do people do the moment they hit rock bottom? I really believe they first try to take others with them. I'm not talking about myself, but it's really interesting to me that when everything is going grand sometimes those "grand" people will turn their backs, burn bridges, etc. on people they know. Once something starts going badly for them, guess who crawls out of the woodwork. I guess I'm just a meanie because I don't usually embrace people who have shunned me.

  3. Constructive criticism vs. negative feedback. What's the difference? Well, I don't mind either to be honest. I like to know when something doesn't look right or needs correcting. But to me, constructive criticism is when someone will tell you how to better a situation, whereas negative feedback is someone ranting about something with no solution for the problem. Again, either way gets the point across that something isn't right about the situation. Constructive criticism just helps me make a more informed decision about something.

  4. The inability for people to follow a simple direction is unbelievable sometimes. I recently had a potluck for one of my groups at Club Zodiac. The event went well, and I enjoyed seeing all the new and old people. I don't mind if people RSVP in a witty way, but it can grate on me when one simple suggestion isn't followed. I had asked that everyone who intended on coming put what they would bring in their comment. Only a few people followed this. It doesn't really matter because the event was successful. It's just one of those little annoyances an anal-retentive person like myself must deal with.

  5. Insurance companies freaking SUCK! I know I've probably mentioned that I was recently in a wreck. It wasn't my fault, but somehow the insurance company still tried to make me feel guilty. That's just ridiculous. I didn't ask their stupid client to be negligent at the wheel. Honestly, I wish that the person who is not at fault wouldn't have to deal with the insurance company whatsoever. There should be a representative to do all the grunt work and arguing for the poor unsuspecting person who finds themselves without a car at no fault of their own.

  6. Why do people have 2-faced moments? I'm not about to say that never happens to me. I know I can be 2-faced. But why is this? Have we become so afraid of what other people think or might do that it's just easier to be nice to someone's face and nasty to their back rather than deal with the problem? I've heard some people say that there are more 2-faced people in the South. I don't know if this is true since I've always lived in the South, but I do know that I've met just as many 2-faced people from the North, as well. I can't imagine a single person alive who hasn't had a 2-faced moment at least once in their life.

  7. Center-of-attention, drama-diva bitches really get on my nerves. I love being the center-of-attention, and sometimes I crave that role. However, I don't treat people badly if I'm not at center-stage around them. I know diva-bitches who do that, and it frustrates me. No, I won't kiss your ass, because you are no better than me. That doesn't mean that I think less of you or that you aren't worth my attention. It just means that I don't have to feel like if I don't worship you, you will treat me badly. Go ahead...that won't get my "worship" any quicker.

I guess that's it for the moment. I don't want to use up all my rants so soon. I guess I was just feeling the need to make up for lost time. BTW, only 2 weeks and 1 day until Cliff and I are off to Amsterdam. We're so excited!

- 4/18/2006

My ferret legacy ends. I lost my remaining one on Sunday. She had had a heart condition for a while, and it finally caught up with her. I'm very grateful to have had Cliff's support through all of this. I'm not sure if I would have been able to hold it together by myself while I watched all my babies die. I've decided that I'm not going to have ferrets for a while. I love them lots, and I will have them again at some point in the future. For now, it's too painful to think about having another one. The cats will have to do. Click here to view Vera's story and pics.

- 4/11/2006

Why do people always act like such putzes when they are in a retail venue? Well, I guess you can consider a grocery store retail. Anyway, I work with customer service, and I have to deal with some of the most egotistical people around. I know how hard it can be having to take someone's crap. On the other end of that spectrum, I try not to be too harsh on people who are just doing their jobs and have no personal investment with my problems. Occasionally, if I'm really riled, I will take it out on the poor CSR I'm dealing with. But otherwise, it's not personal for them. So, yesterday I was at the grocery store buying a couple of things for dinner. For whatever boneheaded reason, I got in line behind someone who had filled the cart to the brim. So, I was there for a while, and I heard her say something to the person bagging the groceries. From the tone, I knew she wasn't pleased with something. When there were only a few items left to bag, the person went to another station to help out. Obviously, there are only a few baggers at a time working for all the cashiers. Well, once he had left to help with other bagging needs, the customer turned to the desk and started ranting to the person at customer service about how she never wanted that guy to wait on her again, that he had the worst attitude. I can't even begin to tell you how mad she was making me. First of all, grocery store personnel is usually students who probably haven't yet learned business skills...cut them a little slack. Secondly, you're not "waited on" in a grocery store. If you don't want the person who is available to bag your shit, then do it your-damn-self. Thirdly, if you want a high-class experience when you're at the grocery store, I would suggest visiting a fru establishment, like Fresh Market or Whole Foods. Don't expect to have your ass kissed when you're in Food Lion (aka, Food Ghetto). Finally, I actually did this woman a favor by not letting her leave without her car keys. Since she didn't even offer a "thank you" for this gesture, it seems to me like she's the one with the attitude problem.

- 4/5/2006

Anything you could ever want is available on eBay. My latest example of this fact is the purchase I made last night. I went to the Renaissance Faire this weekend because I wanted to see if I could find some cool accessories, in particular a slave bracelet. Someone I know got one of these at the faire last year, so I was on a mission to find one yesterday. I found exactly one, and the vendor was selling it for $80 (way out of my price range). So when I got back to the apartment, I searched eBay for slave bracelets, and lo and behold, I found a beautiful one for $7 ($5 shipping). For less than $15, I'm having a beautiful bracelet shipped to me. Now, maybe I'll get a slave anklet to go with it. Oh, and if you're local to Raleigh, NC, I do recommend you get out to the faire. Although they didn't have what I was looking for, they still had a lot of great merchandise. Cliff got an awesome black period shirt, and the food was great (although pricey). I ate a huge turkey leg, then Cliff and I split a small loaf of heavenly bread that had white chocolate baked into it. We liked the bread so much, we went back to the vendor before we left to buy whatever they had left (4 loaves). And I can't forget to mention the shows, as the performers are humorous and always in character.

- 4/3/2006

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Last modified: Wednesday, 31-May-2006 14:31:51 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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