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The moments when you start realizing that you're getting old are sad moments indeed. I know I still try to trick people into thinking that I'm only 19, but I know that I don't have the same mentality as a normal 19 year old. Things that normal 19 year olds do, drive me crazy sometimes. These were things I did myself when I was still in school, around that age. But now I'm scoffing at the behavior. Maybe I've just been at this campus too long. I'm certainly not the essence of maturity, particularly when I'm out and about in my social life. Guess it's just the hypocritcal, old fogey woman speaking out in this rant.

- 3/30/2006

It's really funny that I'm not more of a neat freak. Some people may disagree, but I find it amusing because I can't stand to have my hands dirty. When I'm cooking, I will wash my hands like 5 times just to ensure that no ickiness I may have picked up in the course of cooking as gotten into the food. But yet, sometimes I find myself standing on a really dirty floor, and it doesn't bother me like it should. I don't know why I let things get so out of hand sometimes with cleanliness. I don't like living in filth. And if I would just clean as I go, it wouldn't be so bad. But alas, I'm a lazy bum sometimes and would just rather leave it for later. Perhaps soon I will get my domestic duties through my thick skull.

- 3/29/2006

Yes, it has been a few days since I posted. Want to know why? Because I got into a car accident last Wednesday after work. It wasn't my fault. I'm a careful driver. The only other car accident I've been involved with was last year, and I was a passenger for that one. I didn't get was very minor. But my car is in the shop, and I'm stuck with a rental. Scared the crap out of me though (not literally, of course). My leg was shaking so badly, I could barely get out of my car. Thank goodness it wasn't my fault, and I don't have to pay for it. Other news is that I went to a Microbrews of America party this weekend. It was fun. I got to try some beers I'd never had before, and it's always fun hanging out with that wild and crazy group. Photos can be viewed via the group website. I have also posted a few that feature me on this site (if you're a regular, you know where to go).

- 3/27/2006

Ok, mission accomplished. I finally got some event pics posted to the party site. I also put a couple new ones on my Pic page, as well as putting a few of the group shots on my Social page (which is now separated over multiple pages to account for new years in my social life). Thank goodness that's done. The funny thing is that I like uploading pics and showing off the fun time that the group has. And I like seeing what pics we got from the events. I guess it's just getting over the procrastination of sitting at the computer to upload and lighten them. As long as it gets done though.

- 3/22/2006

The Mean Green Party was a lot of fun. Photos can be seen on the 20/30 Something PARTY! Group page. To see a photo of my outfit, click here. We didn't know if would like pics of pasties on their site. So, I had to post them here, which is fine by me. Anyway, no real rants to speak of. I've been busy with event planning lately. The only rant I have is about the weather, and I'm not even going to go there. So, I'll just keep event planning and recruiting worthy party people. Now, if I can just remember to post the event pictures I have to share...

- 3/21/2006

There's still so much left to do. The party is tonight. I still have to paint my fingernails green, get prettied up, and make sure we can replicate my outfit the way that Cliff designed. Thank goodness Heather, Chris, and Karen came over to the club last night to help get things decorated. I got the soda bread baked and the pickle sandwiches made. The only other prep work I've got to do is slice the bread, set out the dips, and make the punch. I'm actually starting to get excited about the party now. Hopefully, it will live up to the Naughty/Nice party. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all. Hope you remembered to wear your green, and if you didn't, I hope you learned your lesson from all the pinches.

- 3/17/2006

There's only 3 days left until the party. I'm not nearly ready. I haven't made my costume/outfit. I haven't cleaned up. I haven't gotten any decorations. I haven't done anything, really. I'm not looking forward to this party like I was for the Naughty/Nice party. I'm hoping I'll get into it soon. Maybe it's just the lingering "getting over my sickness" that's bringing me down. I hope so...

- 3/14/2006

Nah nah nah nah nah...I get to see Jerry Seinfeld tonight, and you don't. Well, maybe you do. I don't know who has tickets and who actually reads my blog. But tonight I get to see Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up act in person. I got the tickets as a gift for Cliff. Hopefully, it won't be the same old material we see on all the reruns of the show.

- 3/10/2006

Ok, who's the culprit? Who's the one who gave me this cold? Was it one of my co-workers? Or was it one of my friends? I have serious chest congestion, and I'm a little feverish today. I had to miss work yesterday because I felt so bad. I don't like being sick. So now all I want to do is whine. Whine, whine, whine. Ok, I'm over the whining part now. Here are some issues I'm having at the moment. I can't focus on work. Whenever I try to focus, I get sidetracked by something else. Of late, Meetup has been the primary source of my attention. I don't know why I get on there so much. I spend a lot of time making suggestions to the Meetup staff about how to improve the software. When I'm not making suggestions, I'm checking on all my groups to see if there is new activity and to post any new event findings I know of to various message boards. When I'm not checking Meetup, I spend some time on Myspace looking at the topics of the groups I'm on, scrolling through the event listings, or reading my friends' bulletins. If they ever take away my internet privileges at work, I'll go completely batty.

- 3/7/2006

Why do the chip makers coat chips with greasy nastiness that sticks to your fingers while you eat them? Do people really like that? I had some Cheetos today, which was a mistake because they made me feel kinda sick anyway. But now there is also a little orange dye on my fingertips. It's like the chip makers thought it would be a good idea to mark the people who indulge as if saying, "hey, look who's been eating junk food". I don't know why it bothers me so much. It's just one of those things that I don't like about junk food.

- 3/2/2006

Last night was a Mardi Gras event with the party group. I had a great time. And I'm pleased to announce that my uninhibited ways secured me with the coveted (well, maybe by just me) Bead Whore award. I didn't get crowned queen of Mardi Gras, but that's not really my style anyway. All in all, it was a fun event and put me back into party mode. Now, if I can just get with it for planning the Mean Green Party...

- 3/1/2006

2007 Archives

12/1/2006 - 12/31/2006

11/1/2006 - 11/30/2006

10/1/2006 - 10/31/2006

9/1/2006 - 9/30/2006

8/1/2006 - 8/31/2006

7/1/2006 - 7/31/2006

6/1/2006 - 6/30/2006

5/1/2006 - 5/31/2006

4/1/2006 - 4/30/2006

3/1/2006 - 3/31/2006

2/1/2006 - 2/28/2006

1/1/2006 - 1/31/2006

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Last modified: Friday, 28-Apr-2006 09:02:41 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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