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Customer service: it's so hard to get good service these days. Here's some advice for people who don't like serving other people...DON'T GET A CUSTOMER SERVICE JOB! There's nothing worse than paying for attitude. Here's another thing...if you can't take criticism, then don't work with people. It really irks me when people try to tell me my opinion is wrong. It's my opinion...there is no right and wrong. There's only "different". If I receive poor customer service somewhere and I tell the manager, then it's my opinion about the service. It doesn't mean that the person giving the bad service to me is bad in all aspects of CS. It's just my personal experience (and opinion) about it. If I don't like the way something is being run and I express it, it's my opinion. It doesn't mean the service is just means that I don't particularly like it. That's my right as a human being with opinions. Goodness knows that people have offered opinions about the party group based on their own preferences. I don't care if people don't like the group...don't join! Or if you're a member and you don't like it, please leave. However, I will try to debunk unsubstantiated rumors where possible, but that's my choice to try to keep the truth about the group (as I see it) out there. I'm really beginning to hate narrow-minded people who won't let others have (and share) opinions.

- 7/31/2006

Here's a concept for you: a line of cars where you aren't hounded by the salesperson. Apparently, Toyota has begun this amazing (and relieving) technique on their Scions. Cliff is thinking about purchasing one, and you can find out how much they cost on the website. That amount is all the dealership can charge. Of course, the more extras you put on the car, the more the price goes up, but it virtually takes out any haggling. Why didn't they do this years ago? Maybe car salesmen wouldn't have the bad rap of being sleazy if this had occurred all along. Oh the joys of the Internet. Major kudos to, if the other car companies would follow suit.

- 7/28/2006

Public bathrooms have always caused a little fear in me. I'm sure lots of people aren't fond of public bathrooms, but I've only recently been able to use them. It's funny because I walk around at work with my flip flops kicked off not caring about the cleanliness of the carpet. My bare feet don't touch that bathroom floor, though. Since bathrooms are germ-central, whose bright idea was it to start having teeth brushed in there. All the things floating around in the air, and we put our toothbrushes that go in our mouths in there.'s a bad thought for someone who is slightly germaphobic.

- 7/27/2006

My next series of rants will probably be on public establishments. It's amazing I ever leave the house because I have so many fears about public places. The first rant: restaurants. Don't get me wrong, I love going out to eat. I consider myself a foodie, and I like to try a lot of different things. I'll usually try anything once, and I'm surprised by what types of food I like. I think it's because I ate a lot of mac-n-cheese as a kid, and now I'm ready for variety. Anyway, I do like going to restaurants, especially if I feel too tired to cook. But I'm scared as hell about going out to them. Why? Because if you catch a server or chef on a bad day, you don't know what is going to end up in your food. Maybe that's why I like Japanese steakhouses and Mongolian restaurants. They cook the food right in front of you, so you can just hope that if anything has been mixed in with the raw stuff, the fire cooks it away. But other than that, I wish all restaurants would offer nutritional information on their menus. Some places do, and to these places, I am grateful. But currently, I'm trying to watch what I eat, and it's really challenging when you go to restaurants. You just have to estimate what nutrition you are getting. It's a good thing I don't have food allergies, or I would NEVER eat out.

- 7/26/2006

I really prefer when I see people on the street I know or recognize if a polite smile was all the transferred between us. I don't know why people feel the need to get into a conversation when you are just walking by on your way to wherever, but most of the time, whenever I see someone I know (even if it's just a peripheral "know"), there always has to be a verbal exchange. I wouldn't mind it if I'm in the mood to talk, but most of the time when I'm just walking to work from the bus or in other non-social mode, I don't like the distraction of polite conversation. Probably makes me seem like a mean, anti-social woman, but I don't care. Today, I saw someone I recognized when I was walking from the bus stop. I actually had the mental thought of "Please don't see me". But she saw me and just gave me a polite smile, which in relief, I happily returned. That's the kind of non-verbal communication we all need when we're just on the go. I don't mind stopping to talk if I'm not in a hurry, but most of the time, I just want to get where I'm going and reserve idle chitchat for other times.

- 7/24/2006

Brace yourself, dear readers, because this may shock you (or confirm all your suspicions). I am...a hypocrite. That's right, I'm openly admitting my hypocrisy. Here it is. The details to follow. When Britney Spears first debuted, I didn't like her at all (I still don't). How dare this lip-synching girl become famous and wear scanty outfits! No, I'll never be like that. Well, I'm exactly like that. Everytime I go to a party, I try to be as daring as possible with my outfits. I think I morphed into this sometime in the last year. I used to worry about what people would think if I dressed sexy without having a perfect body. Once I stopped caring what people thought, I had a lot more fun with my outfits. But I can still feel vindicated in not liking Britney because I had a problem with her, knowingly, catering to young girls while having this sex-appeal image. I mean, it's hard enough growing up female with all the beauty myths floating around out there without having a role-model making you feel bad about yourself. I just think a little responsibility is necessary. When I do my scanty costumes, it's always for the benefit of adults (my boyfriend in particular).

- 7/21/2006

This one is going to raise some eyebrows. Ok, why do people shudder at the thought of being exposed to a naked member of the same sex. It's funny to me. If you even mention the word "strip club" in reference to female exotic dancers, women become disgusted by the thought. "No, I don't want to see naked women." Now, it's one thing if you're of the feminist mindset that strip clubs degrade women and blah blah blah. Fine...then it's about standards. But some people are like, "I don't want to see naked women, but if it's naked guys, hell yeah." It makes me wonder if those women keep their eyes closed while showering. Why are they so offended or disgusted by the thought? Is it because of degradation? Or is it that if they choose to see a naked woman people will think they are homosexual? I think homophobia has a lot to do with it. The way I feel about it is much like Elaine on Seinfeld. I am attracted to guys, and I find men sexy and so forth. But given the choice between seeing a hot man and hot woman, a woman is just going to look better naked. No offense guys, but like Elaine pointed out, "Men's bodies are utilitarian, for getting around." So, the basics are "too each his (or her) own", but I just get a kick out of women saying "yuck" to strip clubs when you have to see yourself naked on a daily basis.

- 7/20/2006

Overextending myself is something that I tend to do often. I think the reason for that is I don't have the ability to say "no" to people. Well, I can say "no", but when it comes to things I don't mind doing, I usually won't say "no". Must be that ADD, need for multitasking that I have. That explains why I have 4 blogs, 2 websites, 2 networking profiles, and help with 3 groups (sometimes 4). That and I head a committee at work as well as being the head of my department and allowing myself to get volunteered into organizing certain things. It doesn't bother me. But it's definitely something I let happen a lot. I can be a pushover...but when I really, really don't want to do something, I push back.

- 7/19/2006

I have a second job, and I work for free. It isn't volunteer work because it doesn't really benefit a charity. It's supposed to be fun, but I fail to see much fun in it anymore. Basically, I help run a couple of groups for people to come out to fun events. Most of the time, it's ok. But sometimes, there are whiners in the group who end up ruining it for me. It doesn't cost them anything (other than what they purchase), but it costs me lots of time, headaches, and web management to keep everything nice and neat for them. But here's the thing: if I'm going to be the one volunteering my time so that these people who don't know what else to do will have an event to go to, then guess's going to be an event I enjoy. I know this is mean, but I don't give a fig if it's not something you want to do. Don't complain about it...just don't go. And if it is something you want to do and you have nothing but complaints about anything and everything that happens at the establishment, then you don't need to come out to future events because you don't know how to act in public. And people are wondering why my job search for a real job in Raleigh is at a stand-still...

- 7/18/2006

This is a stupid thought, but I'm going to share it anyway. I was just thinking about businesses and phone calls. When do you think it started that people would repeat the name of the business you are calling upon answering? I don't know why I thought of that, but I can't imagine people needing to do that right when the telephone was invented. And why did that never really take hold for individuals? Some people answer using their names, but most of the people I know just say "hello". I find the verification to be nice, but I just can't make myself do it. I guess because while it's nice, it also seems so formal.

Oh, and one more thing. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my friend, Heather. Ha ha...I love people who are older than me.

- 7/17/2006

Group success. It's an interesting concept. Everyone wants to feel like they are successful. But I find the competition between groups for success interesting. I'm involved with a huge social networking site (Meetup) where you can make your own groups for people to join. I help with a few groups, and the more I'm in it, the more frustrated I get with petty, childish competition between people in opposing groups. I don't base the success or failure of my group on if I have more members, more events, or more positive feedback than other groups. I base my success on how much fun I have in the group and if the participants have fun as well. It's not about all the other's about the one you help with. And if you don't think your group is successful, then it's really on your shoulders to make it work for you. With so many people in this area and on this site, there's plenty of members to go around, and some of them like to join multiple groups so they can have lots of options. This childish pitting of members against groups has got to stop. If we're all adults, can't we make our own intelligent decisions?

- 7/14/2006

It's always surprising when you meet cool people in places you don't expect to meet anyone. I guess that's the hermit in me talking. Whenever I go to group events, unless it's the party group (because I do the organizing there), I don't normally expect to meet people, especially ones I might have something in common with. It's also nice to see old friends you haven't seen in a while who just happen to be in the same group. Of course, I can get along with most anyone...when I'm not in raging "witch" mode.

- 7/13/2006

I have a really bad memory. I don't know how I started getting these memory lapses, but I get them. It's gotten to the point where I make daily "to do" lists that I print out and try to follow. Of course, it doesn't help to make to do lists if you forget to check them. See, the memory is bad. Yesterday, I put 2 items on my to do list thinking that if I write them out I might actually remember them if I fail to consult the list. WRONG! One was to give the tickets I got for a free movie to Heather, and the other was to bid on an eBay auction before it closed. And I forgot both of them. Well, since the list isn't working, I've started putting my "to do" on my cell phone. At least it send an alert when something is due.


Be somebody. I hear that a lot. Everyone wants to "be somebody". What does that mean exactly? I suppose it means that people want to have a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling that they've done something really special that's been recognized. I just don't understand that. It's not the big, overarching achievements that matter. It's the little things: making someone laugh who's upset, holding the one you care about in your arms, getting praise for a job well-done no matter how minor the task. Everyone is already "somebody". You don't have to work at it to achieve that goal. So, who am I? I am a friend, companion, constant organizer, hard worker, creative soul, passionate individual. I am somebody.

- 7/11/2006

Well, I got a rejection for a job I applied for and hoped for at least an interview. It was the standard rejection letter: "Blah blah blah, thanks for applying, blah blah blah, lots of applicants, blah blah blah, someone more qualified..." Ok, hold it right there. You didn't even interview me for a job in my field of which I am more than appropriately qualified. Unless you send me the person's resume that you hired, I'm not going to believe that someone more qualified than me got the position. I would respect companies more if they just told the truth: "While you are qualified and a good match for this position, I know someone personally who needs a job. Since you are a stranger, you get the shaft." Job hunting is a big headache.

- 7/10/2006

Ok, deep breath. The "secret" I'm about to reveal is somewhat embarrassing. But I feel comfortable sharing it with all my (non-existent) readers. Ok, here goes. I have...a phone phobia. It's very true. I have become so technologically-dependent that I hardly ever use the phone anymore. I prefer chatting, emailing, message boarding, etc. rather than actually connecting with a human voice. It's become really problematic. Everytime my phone rings, I feel a sense of dread. I'll answer it for the people I'm comfortable speaking with, but for the ones I don't know that well or for unrecognizable numbers, I'll just let voicemail get it. And heaven forbid I have to make an appointment or reservation. I don't know why, but whenever I have to call someone to schedule something, my stomach knots up. I get really nervous, like I'm about to be scolded for waiting to make the appointment. It's sad really, and something I desperately need to work on. I blame my phone phobia on my work because I've had to deal with so many angry people that call and want to yell at me for stuff I can't control. Or maybe it's because I don't particularly like the sound of my voice, and when I was a kid, telemarketers used to mistake me for being a boy. I know I don't have a sweet little feminine lilt, but I also don't sound like a least, I don't think. But since I have that southern twang that sounds rough even to my own ears, I get scared about talking to people. How can I snap out of it?

- 7/7/2006

I can't stand "party posers"! Do you know people like this? Those people who think they know how to party but associate wine and cheese socials with actual hardcore partying. IT'S NOT THE FREAKING SAME!!! People who party are people who don't feel confined by societal constraints, people who are comfortable just letting go and being themselves. People who assume wine and cheese socials are considered parties are the ones who are determined to be offended by the freedom of others. You know why that is? Jealousy. Jealousy over not being able to let go and have a good time. I help run a local party group, and we sometimes go to the extreme...or at least what the "party posers" would consider "extreme". For the most part, the people who come out with the group are ok. But there are always a couple of people who refuse to read the information we've provided about the group and then want to trash it. GET A LIFE!!! Or at least, get out of my group. You know, Meetup is a good service for getting people together with similar interest. However, some people just get on the site and join any and every group available, despite whether or not it meshes with their personality. Oh well...if I have to start excluding people by personally approving everyone, I may just do that...

- 7/6/2006

Well, it was a nice 4-day weekend, although in the course of enjoying it I accumulated a couple of rants. Me, accumulate rants? Never happens! But seriously, the rants today are about some local clubs. No names will be mentioned of the clubs I'm referring because my opinion should not affect the opinion of others. So, I'll keep it generic.

The first thing that really rubbed me the wrong way this weekend was that I went to a club that I used to frequent and still speak with staff occasionally about having events there. On Friday night, I was trying to bring a group of people with me so we could go dancing. When we got the club, there was a doorman I'd never seen before and a group of people who were not the regulars I was used to. The doorman looked at the group and told Cliff he couldn't go in because he was wearing boots and that it was a private party with a strict dress code. Well, I could immediately feel my blood bubbling because this particular club is one where Cliff has dropped a lot of money any night he visits. So, I asked to speak with the owner (by name) because we are on what I thought was good terms with management. I had brought groups there several times to buy drinks and otherwise get exposed to this club that I thought was really cool. So, I didn't think the owner would necessarily deny us entrance, or if she did, I would rather hear it from her than this stranger. The guy just said that he didn't know that person. Ok, many many many alarm bells. If you don't know who you're working for, that really makes me think less of the establishment. So, I don't think I'll be taking anymore groups to that bar if that's the way they treat the regulars, the members, who have only tried to help grow their business in the past...although I guess it's not really the owner's fault, but if the person working the door doesn't even know the owner, then that doesn't give me much confidence in the business. Additionally, the owner never advertises very well for things. There have been times when I've completely embarrassed myself dressing up for "posted" theme nights only to find all other patrons in street clothing and not being turned away at the door. But this night wasn't even posted (that I know of) and therefore, we couldn't have known we would be turned away after walking 6 blocks to bring them 12 people's worth of business.

The other thing that really wasn't cool this weekend was that Cliff and I gave an establishment one more chance to "wow" us before we decided that we'll never go there again. They failed miserably. This particular club is a little out of the way for Cliff and I to go to regularly, so we've gone on nights where events have been advertised that we're interested in. All the other events we've attended were rather empty and somewhat dull. Well, Saturday, the event was crowded, but that didn't really help us with our impression because of a number of factors.

  1. The admission price was $15 a piece. I don't care that we spent that much money, but fr.ankly, for the atmosphere and what we got, it wasn't worth it.

  2. The club has multiple floors, and the owner apparently refuses to run AC in the summer so the upper floors are insanely hot. We could have just avoided the upper floors, except that's where the shows and other fun stuff were happenening. So, here we are breathing in body odor and praying for cool relief.

  3. The club was not well-stocked with alcohol. They may have had a better selection of liquor, but their beer selection was frightfully scant. We got there around 11:30pm (or so) for a night that started at 10pm. Already, they were running out of good beers. They have no draft beers, and even with 2 bars, they were not able to keep the patronage happy very long. We went to the bar on the top floor, and the bartender said he didn't have much in stock, and only 2 kinds of beers. So, we went to the bar on the 2nd floor, and Cliff got one Guiness the entire night. I know that a lot of the people at this particular event were Guiness drinkers. So, after 11:30, they were basically out. Cliff went down for another beer after one of the shows, only to be told they had lesser beers available. Nothing even worth paying for, if you ask me. So, if you're a CLUB and you don't have enough beer in stock, that's a big problem.

  4. Although the show was good, after the show was over, the room for partying was scantily decorated and rather lame. So, you get to sweat for a while and party in an atmosphere that's less than desirable.

The moral to this story? We will not be going to this club again. They've gotten more than 3 strikes, so at this point I just feel stupid continuing to give them chances.

- 7/5/2006

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Last modified: Monday, 14-Aug-2006 11:35:26 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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