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Reconnecting with old friends (from HS or college) can be fun. Particularly when you find out you have more in common with those people now than you did back then. I'm very grateful that some of my old HS and college buddies have found me online. Not that I make it that difficult...

- 8/30/2006

I really don't like when people live by double-standards. You know what I'm talking about...people who try to tell you how to live, what to do, etc., but then can't follow their own advice. It's frustrating, but I hardly ever call people on it because it's not my job to tell others how to live. Just wish they realized that...

- 8/29/2006

Yeah, you can tell the new school year has started when I don't update my blog a lot. So, here is an update. My birthday was on Sunday. I had a good birthday weekend. I did Couch Trip on Friday, Cliff took me to Mura for lunch on Saturday, we saw Pulse with the movie group, and we went to the Rollergirl bout on Sunday. It was a good birthday. I didn't have a party or anything, but it was definitely appreciated. And guess what? Although the new semester has started, I'm not really frazzled and stressed out like usual. I'm actually doing ok. We'll see how I am next week...

- 8/24/2006

Have I mentioned that I help with a cooking group? I know I've mentioned that I help organize activities with some groups. Well, the groups I organize are a party group, a movie group (I just assist a little with this), and a cooking group. The cooking group is the newest of all of them, and we just had our first successful event last night. We had a coffee "get to know you" event a couple weeks ago, but only a few people came out. Well, last night we had a potluck, and about 17 people showed up. It was really fun to try everyone's dishes (although, I didn't eat because of the diet). If nothing else, it's fun to showcase cooking ability for other people. I don't know what other events are in store for this group, but cooking is definitely something I love to do. If only I wasn't so shy around people who aren't into wild and crazy parties...that just sounds off. But yeah, my comfort level is with people who just let it all hang loose, so I either need to get out of that and enjoy other people or just hang with the partiers. Either way, if you want to check out the cooking group, click here.

- 8/17/2006

Yesterday, I signed up to walk in a 5+ mile walk-a-thon to help raise money for the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes is a well-known illness in my family as my dad and both my grandfathers have been afflicted with it. My dad had to test his blood often, and he took medication to control the insulin levels. While I don't think diabetes was the main culprit in his death, I know it didn't help him to have to struggle with it. I miss my daddy. But I'm willing to put selfishness aside and walk to help with any research that can cure this illness. I realize that I will most likely develop diabetes down the road, but that doesn't mean I have to sit idly by waiting for it. Maybe a cure won't be found by then, but at least I can help by raising money for this horrible condition that affects millions of people. Please click the above link to donate some money to this cause. I will keep this link available until after the walk. Hopefully, people will feel moved to help with this worthy cause.

- 8/16/2006

My boyfriend is in the midst of getting some extra options added to his new car. It is a lovely car, similar to the one you can see in this picture. I'm grateful that my sweetie actually has some sense. I've seen a lot of people try to "pimp their ride" with the end result being something that just looks silly. Instead of silly, Cliff stuck with a standard look that still makes his car look unique and fitting of his personality. He opted to get a pedestal spoiler (which is being installed today), window tinting, and iPod compatibility with the radio. He didn't have to get a lot of weird lights on the undercarriage, shock bouncing that serves no purpose, or any other myriad of stupid, extra, and expensive features that don't really enhance the value of the car. I think I'm actually typing this rant because yesterday while driving home from work, a truck got on the highway in front of me. The truck looked normal enough but on the bumper the owner had put a small propeller. I don't understand this. Maybe there is something about it that helps the car drive better, but to me, it looked like the truck had been naughty and was forced to wear a beanie cap with a propeller. But then again, I'm not a car person, so I'll probably never understand the obsession that goes along with spending much moolah on dumb features.

- 8/15/2006

Ok, it's been a few days since my last entry. I've been away because my little sister was visiting, so I was entertaining her. But I don't have a lot to rant about. I had a pretty good weekend, and I'm not glad to be back at work. I'm just gearing up for the semester and hoping there aren't too many complaints about how long things will take for processing. Anyway, in my last post, I mentioned I was getting my hair cut and colored. Well, it turned out great, and everyone seems to like it. If you want to see a pic, click here. Joy did a great job, and I'm going to recommend her (and Salon Blu, where she works) to anyone who needs good hair treatment.

- 8/14/2006

I'm kinda nervous. I have a hair appointment today, and I've decided to get a cut and color. I don't know why I'm nervous. I've colored my hair before. But I think that's it...I've never had my hair professionally colored before. It costs a lot more to have a salon do it, than to go to a drug store and purchase the dye. And what if it doesn't look good? Then I'm out all that money. I'm sure it will be fine, though. A professionally trained stylist should certainly do a better job than I ever could.

- 8/8/2006

It's really sad when something you used to enjoy has all the fun sucked out of it. Well, I guess not ALL the fun was sucked out, but in general, it wasn't as cool as it could have been. I went out to a regularly recurring club night this past Friday. Normally, I enjoy this night and the people that come out. I still had an ok time, but part of me was a little withdrawn. I think it was partly because of the venue (one of the clubs that had recently done me wrong), while the other part is that although I hugged and spoke with some people I liked, there were a few people there who would rather spit on me than acknowledge my presence. I don't know what I've done to deserve that, but in general, I don't particular like being in the presence of people like that. Because what it does is just make me treat them the same way, although it's for the best really. I don't particularly like being in the company of someone who has to have their ass kissed by everyone in their vicinity, so just ignore me. However, don't act like I'm trying to take over your friends by saying a friendly hello. I'm a nice person, and I like chatting with people. But I don't like putting up with bullshit, so if you have any around you, please keep it away from me. Bullshit stinks!

- 8/7/2006

I am a Leo. This means that I can be a hothead and that I'm really passionate. It also means that I can fly off the handle over nothing. I am a Leo. It is not something I can control, but I can take steps to eliminate drama from my life. The job I have calls for drama, and I often rant about issues with it to both co-workers and personal friends. I don't think I'll be able to eliminate all the drama from my job because of the patrons I deal with. Therefore, I need to eliminate drama from my life where I can. A big source of drama for me as been this group I'm involved with. I sometimes post on the main message board my thoughts and opinions about matters. Who really cares? Yes, those are my opinions, and as I've stated previously, I'm entitled to have them. But I'm not going to change someone else's mind who has it set on the opposite of what I believe. So, why even voice my opinion? Since I made this astounding discovery (sarcasm) recently, I've stopped even going to those message boards. Now, to eliminate emotional responses I have when I hear negative commentary about my groups. Again, I don't really care. If people choose to believe outsiders over me, that's there business, and I probably wouldn't want to have much to do with them anyway. Knee-jerk reaction...I've mentioned it before, but I've got to learn to control it. In due time. After all, a Leo doesn't change overnight.

- 8/3/2006

It's always nice when you find new establishments that really suit your personality. Recently, I was sorely disappointed in the bar where I felt the most comfortable. I'm not necessarily boycotting that bar, but I'm not really throwing a lot of business their way anymore. So, last night, we had heard about a Tarantino party at a local bar. I'd never been to that particular establishment, but I'd heard good things. From the moment we walked in the door, I felt good vibes from everywhere. The people there were nice and the setup was interesting. It was like a dive bar but popular. I've been to bars before where everyone knows everyone else, but the outsiders were treated poorly. This one was definitely appealing. Everyone knew everyone, but if they didn't know you, they made efforts to. I definitely foresee going back to this bar a lot. And I guess since I'm raving about it, I'll at least let you know which one it is: Kings Barcade.

- 8/2/2006

The beginning of the semester is arriving quickly. I may not have time for long posts. Heck, I don't even have time for lunch, let alone blogging. But I'll still try to write things occasionally for my loyal fans.

- 8/1/2006

2007 Archives

12/1/2006 - 12/31/2006

11/1/2006 - 11/30/2006

10/1/2006 - 10/31/2006

9/1/2006 - 9/30/2006

8/1/2006 - 8/31/2006

7/1/2006 - 7/31/2006

6/1/2006 - 6/30/2006

5/1/2006 - 5/31/2006

4/1/2006 - 4/30/2006

3/1/2006 - 3/31/2006

2/1/2006 - 2/28/2006

1/1/2006 - 1/31/2006

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Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Sep-2006 13:26:40 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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