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For someone who doesn't watch a lot of television, I sure watch a lot of television. People are always asking me if I watch this show and that show, and inevitably, the answer is always no. The only series I watch with regularity are 24, Lost, South Park, How I Met Your Mother, Masters of Horror, and Dexter, although I think I'm going to give Day Break a chance. It's actually funny because 5 of those were the only ones I really watched until recently. Now, Lost is taking a hiatus until February, 24 doesn't start until January, Masters of Horror has it's good and crappy shows, South Park is over until March, and How I Met Your Mother really isn't my favorite. But when I was home visiting my family before Thanksgiving, my step-grandfather let Cliff and I in on a tip. Dexter became the new series we really like. It's about this guy who is a daytime forensic pathologist who studies blood spatter, but at night he becomes a vigilante crime-fighter, ridding the world of very bad people who get away with horrendous acts. But the twist of it is that Dexter doesn't just kill the people; he butchers them. There are always big sheets of plastic, a hacksaw, and lots of restraining tape involved. It's a show that really suits Cliff's and my personality and love of gruesome horror. Showtime is really doing cool things with the horror dramas. I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves for the future, and I just hope they don't take those good ones away. Too bad HBO got rid of Deadwood. So with only 6 shows and several of them not currently running, how do I watch so much television? Well, it seems like we watch a lot of rerun sitcoms in the evening and just channel surf until we find something we like at night. We don't go out as much as we used to, but we're kind of enjoying the hibernation. Maybe we'll get out and about again sometime soon.

- 11/29/2006

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and being back at work is making me very tired. Whine whine whine...that's all I ever do, right? Well, stop reading my blog then. Anyway, I was so happy to get away for a week. It's not that my life is so stressful, but there is a definite difference between going to work and dealing with real life and getting away to a place where there is no responsibility. Oh well...the next vacation or days off is just around the corner, although that means I need to get my Christmas shopping done. Always something to do, right? Well, at least I'm not bored...yet. All in all, I had a great Thanksgiving week, and while I'm glad to be home, I've decided not to let stress over asinine circumstances guide my life. I want to have a good life, not one riddled with dumbass worries.

- 11/27/2006

I'm manning the ship all by myself, so the blog is a little neglected. Basically, both my employees left within the same week, so I've been having to try to keep the workload down. But I figured I needed to at least give a brief update. Let's see. Only 5 more days until we leave for OBX. I'm really excited because last year it was so relaxing. I visited with my family over the weekend, so I don't feel too bad about neglecting them at Thanksgiving again. I love my family, but in so many ways I feel that Cliff is my family, as well. So, it's really give and take. Christmas is just around the corner, and I'll be back to see the family again soon. I need to get started on my Christmas shopping though. So many things to do, so little time. Somehow, all will be serene...

- 11/13/2006

Ahh, the first day of November. Do you know what that means? Only a few more weeks until my relaxing vacation at the Outer Banks. But since Halloween just passed, I should probably report on my activities for the weekend. Well, both Friday and Saturday nights yielded fun Halloween parties. Cliff and I dressed up in couple's costumes, but not like you would think. Cliff was the Devil, and I was his succubus. I'll load a pic whenever I get them from the camera. The Friday party was with the party group. It was ok. There were some interesting costumes, but somehow, Cliff and I won "Most Original" in the costume contest. I'll figure that out later since it seems like there are always devils and demons at parties. The Saturday party was a private affair at a friend's house. I actually liked that party better. It's weird...I knew a lot more people at the party on Friday, but I felt a bit more at ease on Saturday. Why? Well, being an organizer of these groups, I have a certain obligation to members to be cordial. Whenever I go to private parties or events of my own volition, I don't have to like or talk to anyone who displeases me. I guess I'm experiencing a lot of burn-out with organized groups. The other thing is that I feel like my acquaintanceship with many of the people in the groups is very shallow. That sounds bad, but the more I think of it, the more I doubt I would be missed by very many people if I just disappeared quietly into the background.

- 11/1/2006

2007 Archives

12/1/2006 - 12/31/2006

11/1/2006 - 11/30/2006

10/1/2006 - 10/31/2006

9/1/2006 - 9/30/2006

8/1/2006 - 8/31/2006

7/1/2006 - 7/31/2006

6/1/2006 - 6/30/2006

5/1/2006 - 5/31/2006

4/1/2006 - 4/30/2006

3/1/2006 - 3/31/2006

2/1/2006 - 2/28/2006

1/1/2006 - 1/31/2006

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Last modified: Friday, 29-Dec-2006 12:27:37 EST

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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