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Today is officially Halloween, but I think I've already done all the Halloween celebrating I'm going to do this year. Over the weekend, I attended 3 Halloween parties. They were all fun, and all different, with different people at each one. With the exception of the person I went with, I don't think I saw a single overlapping person at any of the parties. That's pretty impressive. Well, maybe not...after all, Raleigh is a big town. Anyway, for the parties on Friday, I dressed as a fairy cat. For the party on Saturday, I dressed as a harem girl. I liked both outfits, although the harem outfit was a lot more comfortable. I'll post pics in the "My Pics" section of this site as soon as I have some. I may go out and continue celebrating Halloween tonight. We'll just have to see if I'm in the mood...

- 10/31/2005

Wednesday nights are my favorite nights. At least, they're my favorite weekday nights. Why? Because I get to go out to Aries and hang with the cool people down there. Hanging out at Aries usually means I'll get a fairy hug, some good brew, and definitely good conversation with people who have things to say (or rant about). Usually, Wednesday nights mean that I get to go out to dinner with the coolest guy in the world. But of course, I'm biased. It's good to be biased sometimes.

- 10/27/2005

Here are some upcoming November events you may want to participate in. I know I'll be at them, but then again, I'm organizing the groups, so I better be there.

What: Roller Derby Bout 2 by the Carolina RollerGirls
When: Sunday, November 6 at 6pm
Where: Skate Ranch - 2901 Trawick Rd., Raleigh, NC 27604
Why: Because it's fun to watch girls kick ass!
Cost: Advance Tickets: $8 Adults, $5 Kids
Tickets Day Of: $10 Adults, $5 Kids
Tickets available:

What: Boneyard Wednesday
When: Wednesday, November 9 at 9pm
Where: Aries Lounge - 400 W. Morgan St., Raleigh, NC 27603
Why: Because metal music, hot lady bartenders, $1 PBR, and no cover is awesome!
More Info:

If you want to come out with the group, email me at the address listed at the bottom of the screen so I will know to expect you. Should be awesome times!

- 10/26/2005

Be proud of me...ok, then don't. I'm pretty proud of myself, regardless. Know why? Well, Friday I took the day off work because Vera is sick, and I needed to get her to the vet for observation. Since I wasn't sure when they would call me to pick her up, I just stayed out of work and did some errands. I checked both my mail boxes, renewed my PO, deposited a check, returned a late movie, and then I did the really prideful thing...I cleaned my car. When I say "I cleaned my car", I don't mean that I took it to one of those automated car washes like what you would find at a gas station. I mean I cleaned it from top to bottom, inside and out. I threw all the old papers away, I shook out my floor mats, I wiped down all the surface areas with Clorox wipes (you would not believe how many it took and how dirty they got). Then, I took my car to the manual car wash and washed it myself. After washing off all the dirt I could, I vacuumed my car, the floors and seats. It looks amazing. It still looks a little dirty in some areas...what can I say, years of not washing it has created caked on dirt. But maybe I'll be able to get it spotless soon. I really recommend taking your car to a manual wash (or at least some place where a human scrubs it) rather than trusting the machines.

- 10/25/2005

Halloween is well on its way. I actually attended my first Halloween party last night. It was fun, but since it was a Sunday night, we couldn't stay for very long. I was a winged, cat creature (basically, I dressed in a black leotard, black swimming trunks, knee-high boots, kitty ears, and fairy wings). I'm calling myself a fairy cat. Cliff went as a swash-buckling buccaneer (if that's spelled correctly). Dress's so much fun. For the next few parties I'm going to, I'll alternate between being the fairy cat and being a harem girl.

- 10/24/2005

It's fall break. Usually, I love this time of year because there aren't that many people on campus. I must be crowd-aphobic. Hmmmm, I'm going to quickly look up the technical word for that...just what I thought: agoraphobic. Anywho, I'm enjoying the peacefulness of today. However, it seems like the ROTC or some other organization is doing training because there are low-flying planes over campus. Mind you, there are low-flying jet planes, so it makes a really, really loud noise and shakes the walls when it flies over this building. How dare they break up my peaceful day. I shouldn't complain, but it's so loud ::whine, whine:: Ok, I'll get over it.

- 10/20/2005

The daily routine isn't so bad these days. I get up, go to work, 8 hours of mind-numbing nonsense, back home, exercise in the fitness center, make dinner, and then either TV or out to a club. Routine does get boring after a while, but for now, I'm enjoying it. I especially like the making dinner part. It's always better cooking for more than one. And Cliff seems to really enjoy my culinary masterpieces. The other day, I said I could probably make sugar cookies out of the ingredients in the house. His response? Prove it. So, I did, and I ended up making these spectacular chocolate drop sugar cookies that are almost like brownies in taste and fluffiness. Maybe I should have went to cooking school...just kidding. I enjoy it too much to try to make a career out of it.

- 10/19/2005

This past weekend was fun. I went to a PJ party at Aries, and Cliff and I were of the select few who dressed up. Oh well...I'll take any reason to wear lingerie in public. Besides, I always try to look the part when I go to parties. Saturday, I went to the State Fair. We took Cliff's guided tour of the fair. I only rode 2 rides, but that's because the second one about made me sick. Maybe it was from all the food I consumed. I got a bunch of fattening, non-LC items I shouldn't have eaten, but hey, the fair is only in town once a year. Besides, who can resist a deep-fried Snickers bar (very good, but you can't eat too much of it). Sunday is of course my lazy day, so I spent the day lounging around the apartment, watching television. I think I only walked outside once, and that was to go somewhere to get us something to eat. Weekends are busy times for me, and I cherish those lazy Sundays. If only the week would fly by...

- 10/17/2005

It's Friday again...woohoo!! But it's not just any is the Friday the State Fair opens. Cliff and I will be going tomorrow to the fair, and Cliff is taking me on his guided tour. That means we will hit up some of the yummy food vendors and possibly go on a few rides. I've lived in the Triangle area for over 8 years now, and I've only been to the fair once. It's about time I visited it again...guess I've just been waiting around to hang with the right person.

- 10/14/2005

Yes, even I have boneheaded moments. What is the "boneheaded moment of the day"? Drumroll please...Ok, let me just break out into the story. Have you ever come so close to hitting a car that you could smell the wax? Well, it might have been the spilled coffee. Anyway, as I already stated, I had a boneheaded moment today. I'll be lucky if that's the only one I'll have. Yes, I almost got into a wreck. I was so focused on the lid on my coffee mug, that I about slammed into the back of a truck. It's odd...I got more of a jolt from nearly having an air bag explode in my face than I did from the entire mug of coffee. It's all the coffee mug's fault. If the stupid mug was better quality and wouldn't leak, then I wouldn't have been forced to remove the lid to try to drink it, and I wouldn't have seen the back of a truck growing really big in my windshield. The endorphin rush from the near-miss left my legs kinda tingly. Hmmmm, maybe I like that feeling...

- 10/13/2005

Anyone looking to go to a fun Halloween party? One of my friends is having one on October 28. If you are in your 20/30s and would like to know more, here is the description:

Hey Guys!

If people are interested let's have a Halloween party on October 28. The party is tentatively scheduled for a private home in Apex but this might change. If so, I will let you know.

The party is a BYOB so make sure you bring your favorite choice of beverage. Also, bring any munchies you would like to contribute to the party. Costumes are required for this event.

You can RSVP via 4 ways:

  1. If you are a member of Meetup, you can join the 20/30s party group, and RSVP via the event by clicking here.
  2. If you have a Myspace account, you can RSVP by clicking here.
  3. If you are a member of the Triangle Friends Yahoo! Group, you can RSVP by clicking here.
  4. If you don't want to have to join a site just to RSVP, but you want to come, just email me at the address listed at the bottom of the page.

Directions will only be sent to people who RSVP. I'll be dressing like a winged, cat creature, so the sky's the limit as far as costumes. Hope to see some people out there.

- 10/12/2005

Most people don't like the feel of squish. Squish is gooey and for the most part really nasty. But I felt a good squish this past weekend. I went to the annual World Beer Festival in Durham. It was a lot of fun, but the rain had turned the athletic park to a muddy mush. As usual, I was wearing my flip flops. Well, after trudging through the mud for about 15 minutes, I finally removed my flip flops to carry them. Wearing them wasn't keeping my feet from getting muddy and wet, so I might as well enjoy the mud like a little kid. I tell you, while I liked the feeling on my feet, I don't know how people stand to be submerged in a mud bath at spas. Oh, and as for the beer fest, some of my favorite samples were: Mocha Java Stout (from Kings) - heavy dark beer with coffee undertaste (I really liked this one a lot) and Hazelnut Brown Ale (from Rogue) - nutbrown taste, dark and rich (I was on the search for nutbrown ale beers, and this seemed right up my alley).

- 10/11/2005

Fall is finally in the air. Fall is my favorite time of year: the crisp air, the colorful leaves, cuddling close to someone special. What's not to like? Of course, I need to go shopping to get some long-sleeve shirts for the upcoming months. It would be nice to get some pants and long skirts as well. When did I become girly? I never much liked shopping (and still don't). Well, I can still brag that the latest trends aren't a concern for me. I really like just being comfortable, and the shirt du jour for me would be peasant type shirts: comfortable, flowy, and pretty. And I don't really care what people think.

- 10/3/2005

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Last modified: Wednesday, 09-Nov-2005 14:30:06 EST

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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