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How did this happen? It's the last day of June, and I haven't updated in 8 days. What is the world coming to...well, Stephanie's world anyway. Why don't I tell you? First, I moved over the past weekend. I am no longer in the Cary apartment I hatefully refer to as "The Craphole". I went back a few days ago and cleaned all the nastiness, although to be honest, I felt like leaving it. Why should I take care of their place when they don't bother to take care of their tenants? The reason of course: the deposit. I got the place all cleaned up and turned in the key. When I visited with one of my friends that night, I did a short version of my happy dance because I never have to go back to that apartment again. I'll still go back to Cary occasionally because my PO box is there, but for the moment, I'm happy just living in Raleigh. The move itself was pretty smooth. I have about 7 other people helping me out, and since most of my stuff is light, it was a good move. I think I was finished by 1pm (having started at 10:30am). Yay! Now, if I can just get myself motivated to unpack all those boxes...

- 6/30/2005

The last word. Why does it lure so many people to try to get it? I'm no different; I sometimes have to have the last word myself...especially when I feel like someone is not listening to me. But then again, I'm the kind of person who will argue about a topic until I'm blue in the face. But once someone else proves me wrong, I'm also the first person to admit my mistake and apologize for it. I've come to realize that maybe one of my friends is right...maybe people just do suck.

- 6/22/2005

I am not the picture of perfection by any means. But one thing I don't like dealing with is people who are two-faced. I know that I have been hypocritical in the past, and I know I'll probably have a hypocritical point in the future. But for the most part, I try to be true to myself. If I don't like something, I can politely say, "It's not my thing." I don't have to lie to the person who likes it just to be agreeable. I especially don't like people who lie to your face then talk about your actions negatively behind your back. Grow up and act mature. You don't have to like everything I like, but don't fault me for not knowing that you don't like it if you're not going to bother to tell me.

- 6/21/2005

The 80s party was fantastic. Click here if you would like to see a picture of me in my Rocky Horror inspired outfit. Father's Day transpired without a problem. One of my wonderful friends helped keep my mind off it.

- 6/20/2005

I'm going to an 80s theme party tonight, and I'm so excited. I'm not really that excited about the actual party, per se. I'm just really excited about the outfit I've decided wear. I went and got some gear that would be appropriate for Rocky Horror type wear. Now, I know that Rocky Horror was actually a film from the 70s, but as one of my friends stated, "It's timeless." Plus, the host of the party approved of this idea for costume wear. And since I do sometimes attend Rocky, it's nice to have an outfit to wear now...and not to sound conceited, but I look all kinds of sexy in what I picked out. I must be feeling pretty good about myself, because the previous statement is not something anyone would usually hear me say about myself.

- 6/17/2005

I'll admit that I am the type of person who will do a certain activity repeatedly until I'm sick of it. Get your mind out of the gutter! I'm not talking about that. An example of this is that I'll listen to the same CD for days because I had a hankering to hear it once. Or I'll have the same lunch over and over again because it's easy to make that decision. I think that's what it boils down to really...the inability I have to make a decision. Or maybe I'm just really tolerant. Of course, there are songs on the radio that are repeated a lot of times that I do get sick of. But then again, those are usually not songs I like enough to get a music craving for. So, I wonder what the next activity will be that I think it worth being a daily repetition.

- 6/15/2005

Yay! I got a new apartment. I haven't moved in yet, but the fact that I've found the next place where I plan on living makes me happy. I'm going to fill out the paperwork this afternoon. I tell you, I really hate moving, but I'll be so glad to get out of Cary. I don't know why I hate that place so much, but I do. I'm moving to North Raleigh. I have a lot of friends who live out there, and believe it or not, it's a closer commute to work. I just hope I don't get tired of it like I have my other places. That's the problem, I think. I get bored really easily. Oh well, only time will tell.

- 6/10/2005

I'm not Susie Homemaker. But I have enjoyed playing that role recently. I don't know where this domestic bug came from. Maybe I just like feeling like I'm helping care for someone. Like cooking dinner for a friend. I really enjoy doing stuff like that and living alone doesn't afford me much opportunity to make delicious meals for people. Or helping tidy up a friend's apartment before going to do something. As long as it isn't a raving pig sty (like my place normally is), I'm happy to pitch in a helping hand. It sure beats having to make decision on what to do when we go out on the town. Maybe that's why I'm doing it..."I helped you clean, so you make the decisions."

- 6/9/2005

Once again, my blog is slipping through my fingers. Well, I do have excuses for the delay in updating. Do you ever feel like there are cosmic forces in the world that are working against you? I've felt like that all year. Ok, here's the new problem in the life of Stephanie. I mentioned in my last email that I was going to the beach for Memorial Day. I had a great time, but the problem was I got really badly sunburned on the backs of my legs. Despite the warnings from a few of my friends, I thought I knew better and could handle the sun. Of course, my complexion is naturally pasty, so I was taught a very painful lesson. My legs were really red and began to blister. I came back to work one day last week but ended up leaving early because my ankles and legs began to swell from the burn. Then I noticed that a nasty blister had come up behind my right knee, making it very difficult to walk. So, I went to the doctor last week, and got some medicine for burns and was told to stay home from work for the rest of the week. So, forced medical leave is an interesting vacation, but I think I'm glad to be contributing to society again. Furthermore, my leg is getting better, and soon, I may be able to walk without a limp again.

- 6/6/2005

2007 Archives

2006 Archives

12/1/2005 - 12/31/2005

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10/1/2005 - 10/31/2005

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8/1/2005 - 8/31/2005

7/1/2005 - 7/31/2005

6/1/2005 - 6/30/2005

5/1/2005 - 5/31/2005

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1/1/2005 - 1/31/2005

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Last modified: Friday, 14-Oct-2005 08:56:52 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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