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Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and there is so much going on. A lot of different groups are having different parties, and I'm left with the decision of which one to celebrate with. Well, I'll probably go to the Party group event for a little while...then maybe it's off to a private party to ring in the New Year. I managed to survive 2005. At times, I didn't know how I got through. The tough parts of the year really weighed on me. Losing my daddy was certainly the hardest thing I've had to endure, but getting in a car crash, losing most of my ferrets, and having downfalls with friends certainly wasn't a cake walk either. Although 2005 was a hard year, it was also fun in many ways. I met a lot of cool new people to hang out with, I kept myself entertained with my social groups, and of course, meeting Cliff was certainly the brightest part of my year. He's kept me sane, and I'll always be grateful for his support during the trying times, not to mention the laughter during the good times. So, since we all are expected to make New Year's resolutions, mine are listed below. I don't necessarily "resolve" to have them completed by the end of 2006, but they are things I would like to work on in my life.

  1. to find an exercise program that works for me (and stick with it)
  2. to enjoy life through photography (unlikely, but who knows)
  3. to be less hotheaded about situations I can't control
  4. to become more organized and be a better housekeeper
  5. to keep in contact with my family more often

There are probably many more things I should try to do in my life, but these are the main ones. Let's see how long it takes before I start breaking them.

- 12/30/2005

Today is one of those days when I feel completely hideous. It must just be one of those "blah" kinda days. I recently got back on a nutrition program, and right now, I just feel gross. That may be a good way to motivate me to actually exercise and watch my sugar intake, but I always hate these self-deprecating moments. Whatever...a couple of minutes ago, I just ordered an exercise video routine. I don't know why I do that...part of my problem is motivation. But then again, maybe I'll be more motivated to workout if I don't have to leave the house. I mean, I love the Stairmaster, but sometimes I would just rather stay inside then venture to the workout facility. We'll see how this pans out...

- 12/29/2005

It's that time of year...the middle time between holidays. Isn't this week just a big waste of time? You go back to work only to get very little done before you have another day off. I'm certainly not complaining about getting another day off, but seriously...I was out for 3 days for Christmas. I only have 3 days at work this week, and then I get another day off next week. Again, not complaining, just feeling a little stressed because the beginning of the spring semester is quickly approaching. So much to do, so little time...why am I wasting it in this blog? Because I love it.

- 12/28/2005

Why do I drink? I know I have no control when I drink, so why do I bother? This past weekend was my Christmas party, and let me tell you, Sunday was rough. I don't know why I think I need to take shots to enjoy alcohol and have a great time, but I do. Then the next day, I pay for it. I tell you, Sunday was probably the sickest I've ever been from drinking. But at least the party was fun (what I remember of it), and a lot of people have said it was the best Christmas party they had ever attended. We freaking rock!

- 12/20/2005

Random thoughts by Stephanie:

  1. Why does the green salsa I get from the lunch line hurt me, but the red salsa isn't the slightest bit hot? Isn't red supposed to indicate heat? My eyes always tell me that the green is less's my tongue and lips that say "You were misled". Good thing I love spicy food.
  2. Going commando has it's perks. Think about this. If you have no underwear on, you don't risk tucking your dress or skirt into the underwear when you're pulling them up after a pee. Then, there's no embarrassment of walking around showing of your lacy whites. On the other hand, your clothing could get wedged in an unmentionable place with no underwear barricade.

Sad news: Chaos died Tuesday night (December 12) unexpectedly. I only have one left (Vera), and she's very sick. I'll be lucky to make it out of 2005 with a ferret.

- 12/16/2005

Club Zodiac is a reality, and I'm really excited about the grand opening. Cliff and I have had a few people over to do a pre-viewing of the setup. This Saturday at the Christmas party will be the unveiling. I'm kinda nervous about the party. I don't know how many people will show up or if it will get too wild and rowdy. I'm just hoping the cops don't make an unannounced visit.

- 12/12/2005

Is the cold weather finally here? There was ice on my car, there was chill in my bones, there was chatter in my teeth. Does that mean that the cold has arrived? I won't believe it until there are consecutive days of this kind of weather. Not that I want the cold to be here. I'm a wimp...I like warmth.

- 12/6/2005

I own my very own nightclub. Ok, Cliff and I own a nightclub. You're probably doing a double-take right about now as you read those first two sentences again. That's right...we own a nightclub. Explanation? Well, I stay with Cliff all the time. I have an apartment that I'm renting, but it is turning into a really expensive storage facility. So, Cliff and I decided about a month ago to turn my apartment into a place to have parties...basically, a club. So, we got some furniture, we've asked some friends to help us with decorating and so forth, and voila: a nightclub ready for partying. We call it Club Zodiac, and we are eagerly anticipating our first party. Of course, we're not quite done with the setup yet, but it's all very exciting.

- 12/2/2005

Christmas shopping is actually kinda fun this year. Yes, I'm doing a lot of it online, but I never knew that you could find anything online. Yesterday, I bought a gift for one of my friends that is absolutely perfect just by typing in a word search. I've still gotta brave the stores because there are a few things I know I can get locally. Why pay shipping if I can just run down the street? But otherwise, I'm having fun trying to come up with creative things for my friends and family. All I have to do now is get those Christmas cards in the mail.

- 12/1/2005

2007 Archives

2006 Archives

12/1/2005 - 12/31/2005

11/1/2005 - 11/30/2005

10/1/2005 - 10/31/2005

9/1/2005 - 9/30/2005

8/1/2005 - 8/31/2005

7/1/2005 - 7/31/2005

6/1/2005 - 6/30/2005

5/1/2005 - 5/31/2005

4/1/2005 - 4/30/2005

3/1/2005 - 3/31/2005

2/1/2005 - 2/28/2005

1/1/2005 - 1/31/2005

2004 Archives

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Last modified: Friday, 20-Jan-2006 08:33:30 EST

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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