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The most awesome thing in the world is finding money when you don't expect to have any. Yesterday when I got to work, I realized that I had left my wallet at home. The only food I keep at work is a container of Slim Jims to snack on. So, I had visions of having to have Slim Jims for breakfast and lunch. Well, I had a couple for breakfast. But then when I was going through my bag, I found an envelope from my ski trip money, and there was 5 dollars in it. I couldn't believe the good luck. I should know better than to leave my wallet at home. I've done that a few times before.

- 3/31/2005

Don't you just love it when you get a new toy? My new toy is my cable to allow me to get on the internet using my cell phone. It took me a while to get the thing set up, but now I have internet at home. Ok, admittedly, it's a very slow connection. And thus far, I've really only used it to chat with my friends and play games. But at least I can check my email at home now, and I can do more stuff for Triangle Activities. I recently became the Event Director for the group, so it's definitely better that I have internet access at home to take care of some of those duties. Of course, since it's on my cell phone, I can't get online until my free minutes kick in (after 9pm and on weekends).

- 3/30/2005

Yea! I finally got the newsletter done for FerSa. It's a quarterly newsletter, but sometimes, it's hard to motivate myself to do it. I guess having a group that's basically a one- person operation is really hard sometimes. But if any of you out there want to see the newest issue of the FerSa newsletter, email me at the address at the bottom of the screen to request access. It's free to all, but I don't post it freely because I feel the people really interested will email me for it.

- 3/28/2005

I'm so excited. I'm finally getting internet access at home. Big shock, right? Well, I found a device I can use with my cell phone so that my cell acts as the modem. That way I won't have to get a separate land line (which I don't want anyway). Now, if I can only keep myself from staying up late chatting and working on web design...

- 3/24/2005

Below is the information for the April book club meeting. If you would like to read this book and/or attend the lunch discussion, please email me at the address below so we will know how many to expect.

Date: April 9
Time: 12pm
Place: Rockfish Seafood Grill in Durham
Book: SEA SWEPT by Nora Roberts

Don't like our book/restaurant choices? Want to be involved with the planning? Anyone who wants to be a member of this book club or even wants to just come for lunch is welcome. If you don't like the books we have chosen and have your own ideas, please come and contribute your thoughts. We pick books we can mutually agree upon, so your input is important. For information about the May meeting, please email me.

- 3/23/2005

It's always interesting to get a guy's point of view on dating. I've heard all my life about how complicated women are, but I have to say, I think guys are more complicated. Sure, woment are emotional. Sure, we take things to literally sometimes. But to this day, I still can't figure out what does or does not attract men. I know it's all subjective. One man may like something that is totally different from what the next likes. But with the standards of beauty that women are supposed to live up to, you would think that all men like the same thing. I just sit and scratch my head over what they want. I guess I'll never understand...but then again, I was born blonde.

- 3/22/2005

It's been a while since I last wrote in my blog. I had to go home last week to attend to some family matters. Trust me, it's a lot worse than it sounds. I can't really go into it right now because it's too painful to talk about. Sometime soon, I'll share, but right now, I just wanted to write a quick note to say I'm back in town and ready to rant and rave again.

- 3/21/2005

I know I've mentioned that I like horror movies, but I'm going to mention it again. I'm looking forward to going to the theater to see The Ring Two when it comes out. In fact, I've posted it as an event on Triangle Activities. Why? Well, I can go see the movie alone...I've been to many movies by myself. But the problem is that this is The Ring Two. The first movie scared the crap out of me. Well, not literally. But I was petrified for months. I don't know if the sequel will be as good. In fact, I'm doubting it. But I still want to be prepared and have lots of people around me to protect me. After all, if the monster comes through the screen, I want to have someone to hide behind. So, if you want to come see the movie with me, I'll be going on March 22. I don't know the time and place yet, since the movie hasn't come out. But details will be sent to all interested parties after the movie is released. To RSVP, click here. Then click the "Non Member Registration" button at the bottom of the screen and fill in the requested information. I hope to see some of y'all out there.

- 3/10/2005

Today is a lovely day outside. I had to drop my car off at the mechanic for an oil change, so I got the chance to walk through campus. I don't usually take this opportunity very often, and it was nice to take a leisurely stroll. Of course, inevitably, my mind starts thinking about things I can't change. Anytime I have a chance to let my mind wander, it usually starts thinking about all the problems that have happened in my life. Are there things I wish I could change? Of course...there are many aspects of my life that I wish I could make different. The sad thing is that most of those aspects include events I would not do so I wouldn't meet certain people in my past. Unfortunately, I can't change my I have to accept it. That's the hard part sometimes.

- 3/9/2005

Commuting sucks sometimes. What makes it suck, though, is the other drivers. I know not every driver is as cautious as I am, but why can't every driver be as respectful as I am? I just hate it when I'm getting on the interstate and trying to merge, and the a$$hole in the other lane won't let me in. I also hate it when people take the lane that is running out to the very end of it and then bully their way to the front of the line. Those few seconds didn't really save you that much time and actually could have caused an accident. Commuting isn't really so bad most of the time. It's a good thing I have a radio in my car.

- 3/8/2005

Wow, it seems like such a long time since I last wrote in my blog. I know you all have been sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what I would write next (all 2 of you). Well, you shall wait no longer. I just got back from vacation, and I tell you, I had a great time. I went to West Virginia to a winter resort. No, I didn't go skiing, but I did go snowtubing one night. That was a lot of fun. But otherwise, I sat around the lodge and did a little knitting and listening to music. I also went shopping in the little area around the resort. And I got to get in a hot tub for a while. It's really interesting to sit in a hot tub and be surrounded by snow. The worst thing that happened on the vacation happened on the first day. Only something like this would happen to me. Basically, I was sitting in a chair in the living room of our suite. One of the guys put his skis by the table. Someone had to move them to get our stuff unloaded into the room. Well, the skis apparently slipped and came crashing down on my head. I got a big lump, and most of the first day I just lay around feeling bad because of the bump on my noggin. But other than that, I had a pretty good time. But I'm glad to be home...I missed my ferrets.

- 3/7/2005

I'm so sleepy. I'm trying to drink less carbonated, caffeinated drinks, and now my body is screaming it me because I took the caffeine and sugar away. If I can just make it a week, I should be all right. I just have to remember that water is better for me. Oh, that's the other thing. I'm trying to train myself to drink my 64 oz. of water a day. That's really difficult too, because I'm not used to drinking just water. My favorite drink is probably sweet tea, but I can't have it. Maybe I'll just drink sweet tea as a treat every now and then. But I'll have to get some Splenda or other artificial sweetner because I really need to give up sugar. Ahhh the trial of trying to be healthy.

- 3/1/2005

2007 Archives

2006 Archives

12/1/2005 - 12/31/2005

11/1/2005 - 11/30/2005

10/1/2005 - 10/31/2005

9/1/2005 - 9/30/2005

8/1/2005 - 8/31/2005

7/1/2005 - 7/31/2005

6/1/2005 - 6/30/2005

5/1/2005 - 5/31/2005

4/1/2005 - 4/30/2005

3/1/2005 - 3/31/2005

2/1/2005 - 2/28/2005

1/1/2005 - 1/31/2005

2004 Archives

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Last modified: Friday, 15-Jul-2005 12:09:38 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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