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I love salad bars. I went to Ruby Tuesdays last night and endulged in the salad bar. I know a lot of people who are afraid of getting something from tainted food on the salad bar. Guess I'm willing to live dangerously to have a heaping plate of vegetables smothered in really fattening dressing.

- 7/27/2005

Why do people forget to turn off their turn signals while driving? It seems that everyday after work, I get behind someone on I-40 who forgot to turn off their signal. For the first couple miles, I keep thinking "Get on over, there's plenty of room". Then finally it dawns on me that the person must have come off an exit and forgot to click their signal. Now, I'm sure I've done this before, but usually I catch it within the first couple of miles. And I always feel bad when I switch on my turn signal to change lanes but don't have an immediate opening. I don't like driving with it on because I feel like it will make people feel the same way I do. Oh the joys of driving the highway with idiots.

- 7/26/2005

I don't remember playing dress up very much when I was a kid. I'm sure I must have had childhood fantasies like all children do, but I don't remember acting them out. Well, now I have adulthood fantasies (get your mind out of the gutter), and I love dressing up. I went out to 2 clubs this weekend, and I dressed up for both of them. You know something...corsets are kinda fun. Of course, this comes from a person who is delving into the goth scene. But they are. I got one this weekend (from one of the big chain department stores of all places), and I also got some cool new boots which come up to my calves (it's going to take a while to get used to them). Dress up...that's what I'm calling it for the reason that I want to go shopping because Stephanie doesn't like to shop for clothes.

- 7/25/2005

Damn this humidity! In the time it takes me to walk from my car to the bus at the park & ride lot, I should not be breaking a sweat. Do eyelids have sweat glands? If not, then why do they seem wet on particularly hot days? I don't really mind the heat that much. Most people would tell you that I'm prone to shivering even when it's not cold. But the added weight of the humidity just makes the heat unbearable. Plus, I don't really wear shorts anymore, so I have to deal with the added trapped heat in my pants. Hopefully, fall will get here soon.

- 7/22/2005

I like thunderstorms. They can be nice and relaxing: the sound of the rain pattering against the window, the rolling of thunder, the wind whipping about. Ok, enough of that crap. Thunderstorms don't really bother me that much. But when I'm in the middle of a good sleep and most likely a pleasant dream, the last thing I want is to be ripped out of that reverie by a storm. Last night, I was awoken after having been asleep for about an hour. Then I couldn't get to sleep very well for the rest of the night. Mother Nature is so cruel sometimes.

- 7/20/2005

Sausage gravy and biscuits. That's what I'm craving at this exact moment. I don't know why really. I guess the fact that I'm watching my carb intake could be a reason for it. My whole family has had issues with sugar, so I figured I better start early with watching how many sweets I consume. But man, what I wouldn't give for some biscuits and gravy right now.

- 7/19/2005

Why have I just recently learn how much fun clubs can be? When I turned 18 and 21, I never went clubbing (although, I'm only 19, so I guess I'm still waiting for the 21). Recently, after getting involved with the social groups I'm in, I have gone to a few clubs. I'm a little shy in an unfamiliar area, but I've had a lot of fun at these places. Last night was Legends, tomorrow will be Ringside. And the fact that I met my current boyfriend in a club kind of makes them less scary for me since I had always imagined that only jerks hang out in clubs.

- 7/15/2005

I'm in Live mode again. It's so nice when you get into the mode where the only music you want to listen to is the music by your favorite band. I'm in that mode. for the last few days, I've been listening to the Live CD Throwing Copper, which is funny because it isn't my favorite CD that they've released. For some reason, I've just had a hankering to hear the song Pillar of Davidson. I don't know why I like it so much, but hearing it makes me feel good.

- 7/14/2005

I love meeting people who are skilled with taking pictures. The guy I'm currently dating is a whiz with the camera. He takes pictures of me that I just can't believe turn out so well (like the black and white one I have displayed on the front page). The newest picture he has sent me was taken when we were at the beach for Memorial Day. I can't believe I'm so cute. Click here to judge for yourself (and perhaps wonder why I have such a big ego).

- 7/13/2005

Caffeine is a bitch! She is closely related with alarm clocks...both of them mess with your sleep. Somehow, I got hooked on caffeine again. I was making coffee every morning and sipping it while I drove to work. Well, yesterday I felt so sick from the caffeine coupled with the lack of breakfast that I tried going without caffeine today to wean myself off it. I have a headache now, and eventually, I broke down and bought a diet soda. Man, is a really messed up drug.

- 7/12/2005

This is going to sound horrible, and I don't mean it to, but why do people ask me insist on asking me questions that have nothing to do with my job? I don't mind answering the question if I know it, but most of the questions aren't something I would know. Most of the time, people ask me where so-and-so is, if anyone is in the bathroom, or something technical that isn't in my purview. Now, forgive me for ranting (or don't, since this is my site and I can rant if I want to), but when did I become the bathroom monitor or the person who knows where everyone is? Sometimes, I hate the fact that my desk is situated where it is because it makes it convenient for people to ask me the stupidest crap. Oh well, guess that won't change, but maybe I should just start ignoring people all together.

- 7/11/2005

I can't believe that I'm actually taking a group to Rocky tonight. It doesn't really matter that much. I think all of the people who are going have been at least once before (if not multiple times). But I had found Rocky to be a safe haven where people didn't know me and I could be a little at ease with thinking of myself as weird. Ok, that sentence probably did not make a whole lotta sense. Oh well, whatever. But regardless, I'm looking forward to sharing the Rocky experience with some people. I've only brought one other person to Rocky before, and that person is special to me, which is why I wanted to share it. Hmmmm, maybe now that I've been all weird in public, I don't mind if other people see my little weird domain.

- 7/8/2005

I belong in a funny farm. In fact, I might have already posted this information, but I figured I would post it again. Or maybe not. Maybe this is the first time you are reading about my affliction. The basic is that I laugh a lot. More than my fair share, really. Now, this isn't necessarily something I should complain about. But the problem is that I will laugh incessantly at something for days on end. People will look at me curiously, begging me to let them in on the joke. I can't. There is no use for me to tell them "you had the be there" situations, because they will just think I'm crazy for laughing so hard at something they can't understand. Oh well...sometimes it's better to just have people envy your twisted, scary mind.

- 7/7/2005

As many of you know who know anything about me, I'm head over heels for ferrets. I had 4 beautiful babies who lit up my life, and unfortunately, I am now down to 3. My beautiful, cinnamon boy Roly died June 30. I don't know yet what happened to him, but hopefully,the necropsy I'm having done on him will show what caused his demise. I can't help but blame myself. My head keeps insisting it isn't my fault, but my heart won't listen.

Although most of you never got to met this precious bundle of joy, you can still meet him. I have set up web pages for all of my babies, so, click here to go to the site and have a look at one of the cutest ferrets that ever graced this earth (and my life).

My heart is broken again...

- 7/5/2005

2007 Archives

2006 Archives

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9/1/2005 - 9/30/2005

8/1/2005 - 8/31/2005

7/1/2005 - 7/31/2005

6/1/2005 - 6/30/2005

5/1/2005 - 5/31/2005

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2/1/2005 - 2/28/2005

1/1/2005 - 1/31/2005

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Last modified: Monday, 17-Oct-2005 15:02:17 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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