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It's funny how TV can make people backtrack. After I moved into my new apartment, I didn't have television reception for a long time because I'm too cheap for cable or to buy a TV antenna. I would occupy my time at home watching movies I got from the library or reading a book and playing with the ferrets. Well, my sister gave me a TV antenna when I was home for Thanksgiving, and now here I am sucked into mindless sitcoms again. The only reason I really wanted reception is so that I can enjoy 24 when it finally comes back on in January. Oh well...I'll just have to get unstuck on it by myself.

- 11/30/2004

I don't think I'm ever going to vote again. I went to my mom's house for Thanksgiving, and I went to visit my dad and grandmother on Thursday evening. I don't really appreciate being cussed out because of what I believe in. It would have been fine if I believed the way they do, but I don't. I voted based on what was right for me, not based on how my family sees things. Again, who I voted for doesn't matter. But I don't particularly like being cussed out on a day when we are supposed to be thinking of what we should be thankful for. You know what I'm thankful for? I'm thankful that I live in America where you can have a hot-heated debate about politics, say whatever you want about anyone in government, and you know that the next day you will still be alive even though you feel the way you do. If America is really so bad, then why do people keep coming here to escape their own countries?

- 11/29/2004

I'm so proud of myself. Yesterday, I did a deep cleaning on my entire house. Every surface was scoured thoroughly with bleach. But in the midst of this cleaning, I realized which household chore I despise the most. I guess my least favorite chore would be laundry. It's not that I hate doing laundry. I just hate having to go to the laundramat to take care of my clothes. It's such a strange experience to go. It feels like a competition between complete strangers for...everything. We get very territorial over the washers, dryers, folding tables, baskets, and even the uncomfortable seating. Maybe someday I'll have my own washer and dryer. But until then, I guess I will keep taking my clothes to the local wash and hope that people will leave me in peace to do my laundry.

- 11/22/2004

Is marriage really such a bad thing? I've never been married, and I don't really know the answer to that question, but it seems like everyone feels it necessary to advise me on the perils of marriage. Quite frankly, I look forward to meeting my soulmate and settling down with him. Is that wrong? I don't expect any marriage to have a fairy tale quality, but I feel its really unfair to advise the romantics of the world (such as myself) that marriage will ruin your life. So many pessimists I have spoken with who had a less-than-lustrous marriage now profess how ludicrous matrimony is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if it is so ludicrous, why would you feel the need to marry in the first place? I just don't agree with people thinking it is their responsibility to keep me safe from the downfall of wedded miss. Did I ask you to take care of me? Does you marriage make you an expert who should council the world? I don't think so...and I think it best advised if all the unromantics would leave me to my fantasy world. If marriage really is so terrible, that is a mistake I will have make and realize on my own.

- 11/19/2004

The next Triangle Friends book club meeting will be held Saturday, December 11 at 12pm. We will meet at the Carmen's Cuban Cafe and Lounge in Morrisville (click here for restaurant information). Please join us for lunch and discussion. Our pick for December is called The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. To view details about this book, click here. If you plan on joining us, please contact me.

- 11/15/2004

Can I rant about something for a moment? As most of you know (or will know once you read my site), I love ferrets. I love talking about them, educating people about them, and most of all, being around them. Recently, I started my own ferret organization, which is slowly growing. Here is my rant. Do you think it's right for a leading member in an animal welfare organization to surrender that animal? I guess the better question is not whether or not it's right but do you think that person should continue being a leading member even though he/she is now hypocritical towards the organization? A ferret organization I used to volunteer with (names will not be included) is guilty of this scenario. While I stopped volunteering for another reason, knowing that this is their mode of operation does not make me want to rethink my decision. I guess I don't think it's right for people to get involved with an animal welfare organization if one of the leaders they are following is guilty of thwarting the organization's efforts for his/her own personal reasons. If you have thoughts on this, feel free to email me at the address listed at the bottom of the screen.

- 11/12/2004

Yesterday was the first time I've ever voted. Maybe it was wrong of me not to vote in the last election, or maybe I didn't do my "civic duty". But I decided that the Kerry/Bush election of 2004 was more important to me. Who I voted for is really irrelevant. The point is that I voted for the person who best fit my moral values, and I can be proud of that. But can I just rant for one moment? You know what phrase I hate more than anything regarding elections? "If you don't vote, you can't complain." Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I live in America, the land of the free. I can say anything I damn well please regardless of my participation in the event. How many times have we heard people who vote for one person complain about that person later on? No one turns around and says, "Well, you voted for that person, so you can't complain." Or maybe they do, and I just haven't heard it. Regardless, it's my right as an American to say whatever I want about something I don't agree with (as long as my statement is my opinion and not something slanderous). I haven't voted before because, frankly, I didn't care about any of the past candidates I could vote for. This year, it matters to me.

- 11/3/2004

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Last modified: Friday, 15-Jul-2005 12:09:38 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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