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I have started a book club through the Triangle Friends Yahoo! Group. Currently, we are reading Rules of Prey by John Sandford. I, myself, am drawn more towards mystery, suspense type novels, so that may be what this club reads for the most part. So far, five other people have decided to join me in this venture to expand my mind and literary encounters. If you happen to live in the Triangle area and would like to join this book club, you can email me for more information. Please see the book club description on the SmartPockets website for more information.

- 8/25/2004

Do you love yard sales? Are you too busy to get out on the weekend to get to them? Perhaps you simply like to sleep late instead of getting out-and-about early enough to get people's stuff. Well, now there is an easy way to get to a yard sale without having to leave your house or lose precious sleep. I've created yet another website of items I wish to sale for my virtual "yard sale". There are lots of things to choose from. The prices are posted, but since this is a yard sale, feel free to try to negotiate with me. Please peruse the pictures/categories to find that treasure you've been seeking. For more information, please visit my yard sale page: And if any of you have some stuff you want to get rid of but don't want to be bothered with, you can donate it to my yard sale. I appreciate all donations of sellable stuff and would be happy to come take it off your hands (if I can transport it, that is).

(This site is defunct as I never got around to organizing it. Sorry for all those who were interested. 2/18/05)

- 8/5/2004

2007 Archives

2006 Archives

2005 Archives

12/1/2004 - 12/31/2004

11/1/2004 - 11/30/2004

10/1/2004 - 10/31/2004

9/1/2004 - 9/30/2004

8/1/2004 - 8/31/2004

7/1/2004 - 7/31/2004

6/1/2004 - 6/30/2004

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Last modified: Friday, 15-Jul-2005 12:09:34 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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