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I've never really spent a lot of time primping and such in the morning. Some of that may be because I've never had time to do so. When I still worked at UNC, I didn't have the time in the morning to get prettied up because I had that long drive. Now that I work so close to home (bragging in relief), I have the time in the morning to do my chores and still put on make-up and blow dry my hair. I'm dressing "business casual" (whatever that means), so I'm trying to look nice. We don't get walk-in traffic at work, but that doesn't mean I can't look professional. Besides, if I look and feel professional, perhaps it's conveyed that way on the phone. Someday I'll actually write about something besides work...

- 2/21/2007

Well, I'm staying really busy at my new job, so I haven't been as good about updating. You know something funny about working at the new place? I'm more in touch with news events than I have ever been before in my life. I don't feel comfortable surfing the internet when I have a moment to breathe, so I find myself perusing the local news pages to see what's going on in the world. The good thing about my newfound interest in the news is that I'm able to report some of the interesting stories to Cliff, and he doesn't have to be in the dark about it. Otherwise, the new job is great, but I don't have as much time for personal stuff. Not a problem in the least...that's what my free time is for.

- 2/15/07

Today was the first day of my new job. How did it go? It went well. I would like to think that I'm catching on quickly, but only time will tell that for sure. I am proud to say that they are already asking me technical questions and such. So far, it's easy stuff I can handle. We'll see if it gets more difficult as we go along. Either way, I'm enjoying myself. It only took 12 minutes to get to work, and no riding the bus part of the way. I came home for lunch, and it felt weird, if not a little naughty...kinda like I was skipping school or something. And even though I had to stay until 5, since the ride is so close, I had lots of energy when I got home. Yippee!! Ok, I'll admit to you that I'm a little melancholy when I think about the library. I spent 8 years of my life working there, so I guess I am taking a part of it with me. It would be hard not to. But I look forward to my new career with great enthusiasm, and I hope all works out.

- 2/8/2007

I like cheese, but I'm ok when someone moves it. Scratching your head yet? Well, this is in reference to a self-help book I just read. Usually, I don't indulge in self-help books, but this one was very insightful. It's called Who Moved My Cheese?, and it basically pinpoints how some people fear change while others embrace it. I like to think of myself as a person who embraces and looks for change. In my current job (only a couple days left though), I have supervisory tasks. Sometimes, I'll hear myself telling my employees "Because we've always done it like this", but I always follow that with "If you think of a better system, then I'm open to change." It's true, I am open to change. I like a system to work efficiently, and I'm willing to learn new things to get it there. An unwillingness to change creates the possibility of becoming obsolete, and I'm not ready to be worthless just yet. I'm sure there are some aspects of my life where I need to be more willing to change, but I'll identify those aspects as they come up. For now, I'm quite happy with my life and decisions, and I look forward to what the future will bring me.

- 2/5/2007

When you have an active mind, you tend to find all sorts of ways to keep it busy. For me, I do this website, work on my Myspace, occasionally update the FerretSanctuary site, and otherwise find new tasks. And those are just things I do in my private life. Professionally, I'm always trying to find a way to better the system. I assume this will carry on in my new job. I just hope I don't get on people's nerves with suggestions and opinions. I realize that I'm a very opinionated person, that I have expectations of other people that are usually not met. I know that's a flaw, and while I don't think being open to change and trying to find better solutions is bad, I feel that it's all in the way you present it. I try to be diplomatic and to take other opinions into consideration since I obviously have no qualms about giving them. And luckily, my openness to change and growth has led me to where I am today. So, where I am? I'm just the busy girl who admittedly self-assigns tasks to keep my mind active. There's nothing wrong with that, of course...until I start complaining about it. And inevitably, the world's worst ranter (moi) will complain. So, what's my newest project? I've been cleaning up the iTunes library for Cliff so that everything looks nice. Cleaning up basically means adding cover art (or related photos), putting straggler songs in albums, checking playlist, etc. It's going to take me a while, but for now, it's a project I like. I need to go back to learning more javascript as that's my other personal goal at the moment. The more computer languages I know and learn now, the better for my career later on.

- 2/2/2007

Pictures make me sad when I'm not involved in the events (particularly when I wasn't invited). Yep, I'm a jealous girl. Sad but true. I won't elaborate, but it's a flaw I need to work out. For such a hermit, I whine an awful lot about not being included. Guess it must still be that little high school wallflower in me that didn't have friends, never left her house, and only wanted to be accepted for who she is. Oh least Cliff hasn't stopped inviting me to things.

- 2/1/2007

5/1/2007 - 5/31/2007

3/1/2007 - 3/31/2007

2/1/2007 - 2/28/2007

1/1/2007 - 1/31/2007

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Last modified: Sunday, 17-Aug-2008 11:29:18 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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