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NYC Home Streets of NYC American Museum of Natural History Statue of Liberty Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum Central Park Good Charlotte Concert

New York City

New York City. What a fascinating place! In October 2003, my friend Kelly and I decided to take a road trip to visit the Big Apple. Neither of us had ever been to NYC (although I, myself, have seen upstate NY), and we were both excited to see what kind of trouble we could get into. You can read all about Kelly on the "Special People" portion of my site. To sum it up, she is a very extroverted individual that thrives on adventure. I knew that a week with her in a place like NYC as bound to be full of surprises and unforgettable memories.

Well, I was right about that. After all, how many people have shared a rat hole of a room, gotten locked INTO the room twice in the same week, walked all over a huge city carrying a laptop (but never using it),, happened across a favorite band (Kelly's) that happened to be performing there that same week, became temporary roadies for said band, made friends with another equally obsessed (and completely cool) fan, got free All-Access passes to a concert for simply befriending the road crew, and hung out with truckers at late-night diners? This kind of thing ONLY happens when in the company of Kelly. And I know for that reason I'll never forget NYC.

The menu at the top of this page provides links to some of the things Kelly and I experienced on our trip. I have selected some of my favorite pictures to share with you. Enjoy your virtual visit of the Big Apple!

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Last modified: Tuesday, 06-Feb-2007 12:58:30 EST

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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