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You are among one of the many people who have taken off their masks while visiting this site. Who will be next?

Why   Hide   From   Those   Who   Know   You   Best?

Everyday people put on a show for the ones around them. Some people are afraid to show others what they are really like. So instead they pretend to be something they are not. And everyone else is given a false impression of that person. Don't hide your face behind a mask (metaphorically speaking). A mask may display something beautiful, but it isn't showing you. It doesn't matter what your outward appearance looks like. It is what's inside that counts. Don't try to hide yourself from others. It isn't worth it. The truth will come out eventually. Let your true self shine through. If you are afraid that people won't like who you are, then they aren't worth having in your life. Everyone has some good quality to them. You just have to find it. All of this lies with in you. Don't be afraid to open your heart to others. They will be there for you.

Everyone has a spark in them that shines through at spontaneous times. This spark is something beautiful inside each and everyone of us. But when you hide yourself, then your spark starts to fade out. Don't let it fade. Keep it burning in all it's glory. It's beautiful and people love to see it. Think about it before you try to be something you're not.

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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Jun-2004 09:34:58 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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