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Did you know that a parody to the song "Sunny Came Home" exists?

If you want to find out more about the songwriter of the parody, read below

Many people are inspired to write songs in different ways. It may come from heartbreak. It may come from new love. It may even come from bar stools. But did you ever wonder about the inspiration behind wacky parodies? Those too are considered songs, just like those sad and serious songs. They may not have a good meaning. They may be rude and offensive. But they are in fact songs that deliver a message.

Some of us are familiar with the writers of these songs. "Weird" Al Yankovic is among one of the most popular parody writers. He makes his fame by making fun of songs that are already famous. He is what we consider to be a pop star parody writer.

Yet, there is also a country star parody writer. Cledus Judd is also one to make fun of songs that are already famous. He is still new to this line of work but makes the songs he is parodying funny. He has brought a humor that is similar to "Weird" Al to the country scene.

Another parody writer is not so well known. She is from a small town in North Carolina and writes songs in her spare time. She is a college student at UNC at Chapel Hill where she gets her inspiration. Yet, she is not geared toward either country or pop exclusively. She leaves her mind open and will use whatever song speaks to her to write her parodies. The songs can be country or pop. She has used both types of music in her writings. She bases her songs on college experience, something that effects many different people. The majority of her work is based on roommates, which almost all college students experience. The irony behind her parodies is that most of them speak badly of roommates. Yet, she gets along well with her own roommate, and her roommate even helps her write these parodies and laughs at the finished product. Although her work is based on college experience, she has also written a few other parodies that deal with situations in life. But she isn't through yet. She still waits for inspiration no matter where is comes from. Her songs have not been released, because right now they are for her own use. Yet, she is not opposed to the idea of releasing them in the future.

By now you may be wondering who this new writer is. Or maybe you have already guessed. If she ever gets to produce and sing her parodies, she would like to be called "Silly" Steph, because after all, these songs are silly. But that was also a nickname she gave herself during college orientation. And yes, you are right. That person is me. And I enjoy writing my songs immensely.

If you have any comments about what I should do with my parodies, just sign the guestbook on the home page.

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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Jun-2004 09:35:02 EDT

This website is maintained by Stephanie Gilbert.

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